

Geological Map

The set of geological maps at the scale of 1:50,000 represents the core result of systematic geological mapping in Austria.


Regions Map

For many planning tasks, such as roads and pipeline and also for initial information to local problems, such as the Natural Hazards Management of this card will work intensively use.


Geological Map


At the scale of 1:2,000,000 large geological features of a country can be displayed clearly and in sufficient detail to portray the connection of tectonic units and their evolution in space and time.


Provisional Geological Maps

In many areas, geological maps exist only as manuscripts stored in hardly accessible archives.


Geological Map of Europe

Europa ist der bislang erste Erdteil, für den eine geologische Übersichtskarte nicht nur gedruckt, sondern auch als web map application im Maßstab 1:5.000.000 vorliegt. Die farblichen Abstufungen in Karte und Legende beziehen sich auf das Alter der Gesteine.


in the Eastern Alps

Metamorphism is geoscientifically defined as the change of rocks under conditions of high pressure and temperature, resulting in the formation of new mineral phases.


Counting Geological Timep

Geology is a scientific discipline of historical importance – not least due to the enormous time scales involved.