EuroGeoSurveys (EGS), the Geological Surveys of Europe, is a not-for-profit organization, currently representing 38 national geological surveys and some regional surveys. Members include almost all EU countries and several non-EU countries. The principal purpose of EuroGeoSurveys is to provide public geoscientific knowledge to support the EU´s competitiveness, social well-being, environmental management and international commitments. The Geological Survey of Austria (GBA), which was a founding member of the predecessor organization FOREGS (Forum of European Geological Surveys), is involved in many EGS activities.

EGS maintains a number of so-called Expert Groups, whose expertise is incorporated by several Directorates-General of the European Commission, e.g. in the preparation of EU directives. In addition, joint project proposals are coordinated in the Expert Groups, especially within the European supporting programs for Research & Development (R&D).
The GBA is represented in Expert Groups for the following topics: Geological Mapping and Modelling, Earth Observation – Geohazards, Geochemistry, Spatial Information (dealing with Geodatamanagement, including support of the INSPIRE directive), Urban Geology, Mineral Resources, GeoEnergy, and Water Resources.
The “European Geological Data Infrastructure” (EGDI), which serves as the EuroGeoSurvey’s web portal to geoscientific information of Europe, is supported by a consortium of EuroGeoSurveys members and provides access to geoscientific metadata, information and knowledge at European and national scales. It ensures the sustainable availability of results from numerous, past EU-funded projects and is currently in charge of data delivery from the diverse projects of the ERA-NET programme "GeoERA”, which was initiated by EGS and is carried out in the years 2018–2021.
The vision of EGS is to establish a common European geological knowledge base and to jointly provide the “Geological Service for Europe”, as a well-established European institution.
» EuroGeoSurveys (A.I.S.B.L)(EGS)Statutes
» EGS Internal rules
» Call for applications to the position of EuroGeoSurveys Secretary General, internal procedure