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EO-based landslide mapping
EO-based landslide mapping: from methodological developments to automated web-based information delivery
Rainfall-triggered landslides in the Bregenzerwald, federal state of Vorarlberg, Austria.
© Geologische Bundesanstalt
Landslides are recurrent natural hazards in mountainous regions of the Earth, claiming
people’s lives and destroying man-made infrastructures. Society and policy makers are
interested in knowing the location and spatial extent of landslides immediately after a
triggering event, as well as in predicting landslides. Detailed, accurate and complete
landslide maps are essential to meet these interests. Promoted by the increased availability
and quality of Earth Observation (EO) data, attempts to automate the production of landslide
maps have recently been undertaken. As demonstrated by several case studies, especially
object-based image analysis (OBIA) provides methodologies that are valuable for automated
landslide mapping. However, existing OBIA mapping routines have been targeted to specific
data sets and study areas, and can therefore be hardly transferred to other data sets or
geographical settings. In order to achieve a high degree of automation, objectivity, and
general applicability of an object-based landslide mapping system, the proposed project aims
at the following developments:
- Automated knowledge-based and statistical OBIA routines that are optimised for application to VHR (very high resolution) and HR (high resolution) optical EO data sets for the polygon-based extraction of landslides after a triggering event;
- OBIA mapping routines that are automated and at the same time robust and flexible tochanging input optical EO data sets (and thus spatial resolution), as well geographical setting;
- Automated knowledge-based and statistical OBIA routines that are optimised for application to multi-temporal VHR and HR optical EO data sets for the polygon-based detection of landslide changes;
- An innovative and efficient web processing chain which comprises robust OBIA mapping routines for feeding a pre-operational service that allows for automated polygon-based landslide mapping based on VHR and HR optical EO data, as well as the identification of landslide-affected infrastructure.
Projekttitel | LandSlide |
Projektkürzel | LandSlide |
Projektkurztitel | EO-based landslide mapping |
Projektleitung | Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS, University of Salzburg |
Projektmitglieder | GRID-IT - Gesellschaft für angewandte Geoinformatik mbH, Austria, Geologische Bundesanstalt (GBA), FA Ingenieurgeologie, Austria |
Fachabteilung | Ingenieurgeologie |
Zeitraum | 01.03.15 - 31.08.17 |
Finanzierung | FFG |