Sebastian Pfleiderer
Department » Mineral Resources and Geoenergy
mineral resources / aggregates
environmental geochemistry
geological 3D modelling
urban geology
Academic career
1984: Bachelor in Geology at Darmstadt University (Germany)
1985: Masters in Geology at Grenoble University (France)
1988: Masters in Hydrogeology at Aachen University (Germany)
1992: Ph.D. in Rock physics at Toronto University (Canada)
Professional career
1988 - 1992: Teaching assistant at Toronto University (Canada)
1992 - 1993: Post-doc at AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada), Chalk River (Canada)
1993 - 1994: Post-doc at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Paris (France)
since 1994: Scientist at Geological Survey of Austria, Vienna (Austria)
2000: Sabbatical at Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa (Canada)
PFLEIDERER, S. (2022): United Nations Framework Classification for Resources Case Study from Austria - Sand and Gravel Resources in Greenfield Areas. - United Nations Parliamentary Paper, ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2022/13. 17 Seiten.
GRUPE, S., PAYER, T. & PFLEIDERER, S. (2021): Donauterrassen und Donaukiese im Bereich des Wiener Stadtgebietes. - Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 161, Seite 29 - 38.
PFLEIDERER, S., REITNER, H., & LEIS, A.: Availability, dynamics and chemistry of groundwater in the Bucklige Welt region of Lower Austria.- Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 110/2, Vienna, 2018
SCHOKKER, J., SANDERSEN, P., DE BEER, H., ERIKSSON, I., KALLIO, H., KEARSEY, T., PFLEIDERER, S. & SEITHER, A.: 3D urban subsurface modelling and visualisation.- TU1206 COST Sub-Urban WG2 Report, 94 S., 2017
PFLEIDERER, S., GÖTZL, G. & GEIER, S.: Vienna.- TU1206 COST Sub-Urban WG1 Report, 16 S., 2017
PFLEIDERER, S. (Ed.): GeoMol – Geologische 3D-Modellierung des Österreichischen Molassebeckens. – Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 70, 88 S., Wien, 2016
PFLEIDERER, S., HEINRICH, M., RABEDER, J., REITNER, H., UNTERSWEG, T. & WIMMER-FREY, I.: Application of a new method for rapid quality assessment of renewable aggregate resources in alpine regions.- Geological Society London Special Publications, 416, 71-78, 2016
PIRKL, H., SCHEDL, A. & PFLEIDERER, S. (Eds.): Geochemischer Atlas von Österreich – Bundesweite Bach- und Flusssedimentgeochemie (1978–2010). – Archiv für Lagerstättenforschung, 28, 288 S., Wien, 2015
PFLEIDERER, S., ENGLISCH, M. & REITER, R.: Current state of heavy metal contents in Vienna soils.- Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 34, 665-675, 2012
PFLEIDERER, S., REITNER, H., HEINRICH, M. & UNTERSWEG, T.: Kiessande.– In: WEBER, L. (Hrsg.): Der Österreichische
Rohstoffplan.– Archiv für Lagerstättenforschung, 26, 99-145, 2012
PFLEIDERER, S., UNTERSWEG, T., REITNER, H., HEINRICH, M., HOLNSTEINER, R., REICHL, R. & WEBER, L.: Bundesweite Bewertung und Mengenabschätzung von Kiessanden im Rahmen des österreichischen Rohstoffplanes.– Journal of Alpine Geology, 52, 199-200, 2010
PFLEIDERER, S. & SCHEDL, A.: Anwendungen der Bachsedimentanalytik in der Umweltgeochemie.- Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 77, 29, 2008
PFLEIDERER, S.: Geostatistical analysis of elevation and lithology of Quaternary terraces in Vienna (Austria).- Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 101, 81-87, 2008
PFLEIDERER, S., KLEIN, P., REITNER, H. & HEINRICH, M.: The Hydrogeology of the Northern Calcareous Alps between the rivers Enns and Ybbs.– Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 4-10, 2007
PFLEIDERER, S. & HOFMANN, T.: Digitaler Angewander Geo-Atlas - Stadtgeologie am Beispiel von Wien.– Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 147, 263-273, 2007
PIRKL, H.R., HEINRICH, M., PFLEIDERER, S., REITNER, H., KLEIN, P. & DECKER, K.: Geochemical background values of groundwater, rocks and soils in the Northern Calcareous Alps of Upper and Lower Austria.– Umweltbundesamt Berichte BE-228, 192–193, 2003
PFLEIDERER, S., REITNER, H. & HEINRICH, M.: Zur Hydrogeologie der Kalkvoralpen nordöstlich der Enns.– Beiträge zur Hydrogeologie, 53, 45–60, 2002
PFLEIDERER, S. & KISSEL, C.: Variation of pore fabric across a fold-thrust structure.– Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 2147–2150, 1994
PFLEIDERER, S. & HALLS, H.C.: Magnetic pore fabric analysis: a rapid method for estimating permeability anisotropy.– Geophysical Journal International, 116, 39–45, 1994
PFLEIDERER, S., MOLTYANER, G.L.: The use of velocity and conductivity data for the quantification of heterogenity: a comparison.– Water Resources Research, 29, 4151–4156, 1993
PFLEIDERER, S. & HALLS, H.C.: Magnetic pore fabric analysis: verification through image autocorrelation.– Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 4311–4316, 1993
PFLEIDERER, S., BALL, D.G.A. & BAILEY, R.C.: A computer program for the determination of the two-dimensional autocorrelation function of digital images.– Computers & Geosciences, 19, 825–829, 1993
PFLEIDERER, S. & HALLS, H.C.: Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of rocks saturated with ferrofluid: a new method to study pore fabric?. – Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 65, 158–164, 1990
Current Projects
ÜLG-79 - UNFC application to sand and gravel resources in Austria
START - Sustainable energy harvesting through mine waste recycling
Humanitarian missions abroad
2023: Project assessment and field visit in Gimbichu, Ethiopia
2022: Hydrogeological field investigation in the mining area of Sangarédi, Guinea
2015: Hydrogeology Workshop, University of Botswana, Gabarone (Botswana)
2013: Groundwater prospecting in St. Hélène (Haiti)
2010: Groundwater prospecting in Sofala (Mozambique)
Handpump Training Workshops of the Austrian Red Cross
Hydrogeology lecture and implementation & analysis of pumping tests
(May 2010, October 2010, April 2012, July 2014)
German language trainer for Refugees
since 2016 at Caritas