A web-based controlled vocabulary of map-related geoscientific terms of the GeoSphere Austria.

The GeoSphere AustriaThesaurus provides bilingual descriptions and relevant quotes related to terms in maps and text publications of the GeoSphere Austria. He shows associated broader and narrower terms, related terms and synonyms and is currently divided into the 6 different themes
- Geologic Units (Lithostratigraphic Units, Lithogenetic Units …)
- Geologic Time Scale (ICS International Stratigraphic Chart 2013 terms, Paratethys Stage System…)
- Geologic Structures (planar structures and linear structures, shear sense indicators…)
- Lithology (loose- and bed-rock that were classified according to their modal composition or their grain size, respectively)
- Minerals (most important rock-forming minerals)
- Tectonic Units (formal classification of tectonic units, for lithotectonic entities and informal units especially for the area of the Eastern Alps)
Responsible for the content is the Thesaurus editorial team, which consists of thematic specialists from the GeoSphere Austria.
The objective of the GeoSphere Austria-thesaurus is a technical management of the expertise of the GeoSphere Austria (Knowledge Representation). Moreover, the terms (concepts) of the GeoSphere Austria thesaurus are used for attribution of spatial geodata. We fulfil, therefore, the legal requirements of the EU Directive 2007/2 / EC INSPIRE which has been transferred into Austrian law in 2010 (GeoDIG - Geodateninfrastrukturgesetzes 2010).
You also get important information about the technical implementation of the GeoSphere AustriaThesaurus like
- the use of the Pool Party Semantic Suite program as knowledge management tool
- a semantic modelling based on SKOS standard
- a machine-readable publication on the web in the form of RDF / XML standard
- which allows SPARQL queries and a base for the creation of further applications
- each term has an own Internet address (URL) that can be used to encode own spatial data
- the functionality as Linked Data Resource and semantic linking to other sources in the Web
Further information on the GeoSphere Austria Thesaurus page: