Robert Supper
Abteilung » Geophysik und Angewandte Geologie
- Strategieentwicklung
- Projektmanagement
- Aerogeophysik
- Geoelektrik
- Geoelektrisches Monitoring und die Anwendung dieser Methoden auf Fragestellungen im Bereich Hydrologie
- Rohstofferkundung
- Naturgefahren
- Klimawandel und geologischer Kartierung
Ab 1. Juli mit der provisorischen Leitung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt beauftragt
Seit 2013
Mitglied der Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group (EOEG), EuroGeoSurveys
Patent in Japan und Korea für einen innovativen Auswertemethode im Bereich Geoelektrik-Monitoring (EU-Patentantrag in Arbeit)
Veranstalter des “2nd International Workshop on Geoelektrical Monitoring”
Veranstalter des “1st International Workshop on Geoelektrical Monitoring”
Berater der mexikanischen Marine zur Entwicklung einer Wasserversorgung auf der Pazifik-Insel Socorro, Mexiko
seit 2009
Vizepräsident der Österreichischen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (AGS
EU-Projektbegutachter bei der Europäischen Kommission für Projekte im Rahmen des 7.Rahmenprogramms für den Bereich Umwelt
seit 2004
Stellvertretender Leiter der Abteilung Geophysik; 2004 Übernahme in den Bundesdienst als Vertragsbediensteter
Wissenschaftlicher Berater der ETH Zürich, Institute of Hydromechanics and Water Resources Management (W. Kinzelbach) für die Planung und Durchführung geoelektrischer 3D Messungen im Okavango Delta (Botswana) im Rahmen des Projektes “Density induced balancing of the salt budget of the Okavango delta”
seit 2002
Verantwortung für die Entwicklung eines innovativen geoelektrischen Monitoringsystems (Systemdesign, Begleitung der Entwicklungsphase, praktische Anwendbarkeit, Umwandlung des Prototypen zu marktreifem Gerät, Weiterentwicklung IP Monitoring)
Lektor am Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Universität Wien; Abhaltung diverser Lehrveranstaltungen zur Anwendung geophysikalischer Methoden und Betreuung von Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen
Arbeitsaufenthalt an der Moscow State University, College of Geology
Arbeitsaufenthalt an der Universitat de Barcelona, Dept Geodinàmica i Geofísica, im Rahmen eines WTZ/OEAD Austauschprogrammes
Tutor am Institut für Meteorologie und Geodynamik der Universität Wien;
Angestellter der Geologischen Bundesanstalt im Rahmen der Teilrechtsfähigkeit in den Abteilungen Geophysik und Hydrogeologie;
Angestellter der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften im Rahmen des Projektes „Aerogeophysik von Österreich“
Praktikum bei der RAG- RohölaufsuchungsGesmbH
Praktikum bei der OMV
Werkvertrag an der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik im Rahmen der Gravimetrie von Österreich
[1] Kollmann W., Supper R. 1992. Geoelectric surveys in determining the direction and velocity of Groundwater Flow Using Introduced Salt Tracer. In: Tracer Hydrology (eds. H. Hötzl & A. Werner), pp.109-114, Balkema, Rotterdam.
[2] Kollmann W., Supper R. 1994. Geoelectric surveys for determination of direction and velocity of pollutant flow using salt tracer. Proceedings of the 56th EAEG meeting in Vienna, Austria, P130, Zeist.
[3] Kollmann W., Supper R. 1994. Simulation of pollutant-emission by using geoelectric surveys of an artificially introduced salt tracer. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress - International Association of Engineering Geology (Eds. Oliveira, Rodrigues, Coelho & Cunha), Vol. 4, 2435-2440, Balkema, Rotterdam.
[4] Kollmann W., Meyer J., Supper R., 1994. Simulation of pollutant-emission by using geoelectric surveys of artificially introduced salt tracer, Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Groundwater Resources at Risk, Helsinki, Finland.
[5] Kollmann W., Meyer J., Supper R., 1995. Simulation einer Schadstoffimmission durch Anwendung eines Salztracers und Nachweis seiner Migration mit geophysikalischen Methoden - ein Beitrag zur Optimierung des Grundwasserschutzes, Österreichische Wasser- u. Abfallwirtschaft, Jahrgang 47, Heft 7/8.
[6] Kollmann W., Meyer J., Supper R., 1995. Simulation of pollutant-immission by using geoelectric surveys of artificially introduced salt tracer. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica, Vol.39(1), 83-92, Prag.
[7] Supper R., 1995. Airborne geophysics for geotechnical applications (tunnel location). Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Torino, Italy.
[8] Supper R., 1995. Land-slide investigation by helicopter-borne geophysics, Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Torino, Italy.
[9] Seiberl W., Arndt R., Römer A., Oberlercher G., Supper R. 1995. Hubschraubergeophysik in Österreich. Erzmetall, 48(9).
[10] Kollmann W., Meyer J., Supper R. 1995 Simulation of pollutant-emission by using geoelectric surveys of an artificially introduced salt tracer, Terra abstracts, abstract supplement to Terra nova. EUG8 vol.7, Strasbourg.
[11] Supper R., Kuvaev A., Kollmann W. 1996. Simulation of pollutant-emission using geoelectric mapping of the migration of an artificially infiltrated salt tracer. Model Care 96 - Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling, Proceedings of Poster Papers, Colorado.
[12] Kollmann W., Meyer J., Supper R. 1996 Simulation eines Schadstoffeintrags in das Grundwasser durch geoelektrischen Nachweis einer migrierten Salzlösung, Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges., Band 87, Wien.
[13] Supper R., Kuvaev A., Kollmann W. 1996. Simulation von Kontaminierungsereignissen durch geoelektrische Kartierung eingespeister Salztracer. Steirische Beiträge zur Rohstoff und Energieforschung, Heft 11, Leoben.
[14] Seiberl W., Supper R. 1996. Ergebnisse der geophysikalischen Vermessung der Pöllauer Bucht. Österr. Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, Sonderheft ½, 1996.
[15] Schattauer I., Supper R. 1996. New applications of borehole induction loggers for geotechnical and hydrological applications. Proceedings of PIERS96, Innsbruck.
[16] Kohlbeck F., Marcuello A., Pous J., Queralt P., Supper R., Yelkency T. 1997. Comparison of gravity, em and dc-multielectrode measurements carried out along two profiles. Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Aarhus.
[17] Supper R., Kuvaev A., Kollmann W. 1997. Simulation of polutant-immission using geoelectric mapping of the migration of an artificially infiltrated salt tracer. In: Tracer Hydrology 97 (Ed. Kranjc), Balkema, Rotterdam.
[18] Supper R. 1998. Kombinierte Anwendung von Aeroelektromagnetik und Bodengeoelektrik zur Grundwassererkundung, VII. Arbeitsseminar "Hochaufloesende Geoelektrik", Bucha / b. Leipzig, Proceedings.
[19] Supper R., Hollaus E. 1998. 3d-Geoelektrik zur Erkundung von Hohlräumen. VII. Arbeitsseminar "Hochaufloesende Geoelektrik", Bucha / b. Leipzig, Proceedings.
[20] Supper R. 1998. Kombinierte Anwendung von IP und Gleichstrommessungen. VII. Arbeitsseminar "Hochaufloesende Geoelektrik", Bucha / b. Leipzig, Proceedings.
[21] Supper R., Hübl G., Arndt R. 1999. Test measurements of NMR in Austria and their correlation to other methods. Proceedings of the Workshop on Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SNMR) - What is possible?, Berlin.
[22] Supper R., Hübl G. Römer A. 1999. Application of combined resistivity and IP multielectrode-measurements for environmental investigation. 5th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Budapest, Proceedings.
[23] Supper R. 1999. SNMR test measurements in Austria. 5th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Budapest, Proceedings.
[24] Supper R., Römer A., Hübl G., Arndt R. 1999. Geophysikalische Untersuchungen im Bereich der Bezirke Horn, Hollabrunn und des Schmidatales. Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Retz, Arbeitsband.
[25] Supper R., Seiberl W. 2000. Project „Tomave“: Geophysical measurements in the area of Mt. Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei and on the Island of Vulcano. Endbericht zum EU-Projekt „Tomave“, Geol.B.A. und Inst.f. Met.u. Geoph., Wien.
[26] Supper R., Seiberl W., Motschka K. 2000. Airborn measurements in Italian volcanic regions (Vulcano, Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei). Proceedings of the GEEM2000 workshop in Maratea, Italy.
[27] Supper R., Seiberl W. 2000. Ground geoelectric surveys in italian volcanic regions and outlook on the development of a monitoring system for SIP and airborne magnetics. Proceedings of the GEEM2000 workshop in Maratea, Italy.
[28] Rapolla A., Chiappini M., Fedi M., Florio G., Paoletti V., Supper R. 2000. Indagini aeromagnetiche nell' area vulcanica Vesuviana, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solisìda, 19° Convegno Nazionale, Roma.
[29] Supper R., Jochum B., Seiberl W., Arndt R. 2000. Geoelectrical multielectrode measurements for surveying and monitoring of landslide areas, Proceedings of the “Workshop on Advanced Techniques for the Assessment of Natural Hazards in Mountain Areas”. Igls, Austria.
[30] Sugihara M., Okuma S., Furukawa R., Supper R., Gwinner K. 2001. Subsurface structure of Vulcano Island – Italy. Proceedings of the 5th SEGJ International Symposium on Imaging Technology, Tokyo.
[31] Fedi M., Florio G., Paoletti V., Rapolla A., Chiappini M., Supper R. 2001. 3D magnetic model of Vesuvius by interpretation of aeromagnetic data. 26th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 3, GRA3, 1159.
[32] Supper R., Motschka K., Seiberl W. 2001. Geophysical investigations in southern italian active volcanic regions, Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan, Vol.52, Tokyo
[33] Ahl A., Motschka K., Oberlercher G., Seiberl W., Supper R., Winkler E. 2001. Aerogeophysik. In: Die Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik 1851-2001, 150 Jahre Meteorologie und Geophysik in Österreich (Eds. Hammerl Ch., Lenhardt W., Steinacker R., Steinhauser P.), pp. 680-691, Leykam, Wien.
[34] Supper R., Seiberl W., Hübl G. 2001. Combined airborne electromagnetics and ground geoelectrics for landslide investigations. II International Workshop on Geo-Electro-Magnetism, La Spezia, Italy, Memorie dell’Accademia Lunigianese di Scienze “G. Capellini”, Vol. LXXI, Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali.
[35] Achilli V., Del Negro C., Di Maio R., Salemi G, Supper R., Meurers B., Römer A., Aric K., Seiberl W. 2001. Multidisciplinary and multi-methododical approach for the study of active volcanic areas. Preliminary results for the Vulcano island test site. II International Workshop on Geo-Electro-Magnetism, La Spezia, Italy, Memorie dell’Accademia Lunigianese di Scienze “G. Capellini” Vol. LXXI, Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali.
[36] Salemi G., Achilli V., Di Maio R., Supper R. 2001. Qualità e incompatibilità del dato nei sistemi informativi geografici, Palacongressi di Rimini, Proceedings of the 5a Conferenza Nazionale Asita.
[37] Supper R., Jochum B., Hübl G., Römer A., Arndt R. 2002. SNMR test measurements in Austria. In: Surface Nuclear Magnetic resonance: What is possible?, Special issue of Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 50, 1-230, Elsevier.
[38] Supper R. , Hübl G. , Jaritz W. 2002. Geophysical surveys for the investigation and monitoring of landslide areas. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Aveiro, Portugal.
[39] Supper R., Römer A., Meurers B., Di Maio R., Aric K. 2002. Geophysical measurements in volcanic areas: Vulcano and Lipari, Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Aveiro, Portugal.
[40] Supper R., Römer A., Hübl G. 2002. Development of a new fast remote controlled 3d geoelectrical monitoring system for subsurface surveillance. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Aveiro, Portugal.
[41] Sugihara M., Okuma S., Nakano S., Furukawa R., Komazawa M., Supper R. 2002. Relationship between geothermal activity and gravity anomalies on Vulcano island, Italy. Proceedings of the 24th NZ Geothermal Workshop.
[42] Albrecht H., Jaritz W., Supper R., Wöhrer-Alge M. 2003. Geomonitoring Rindberg. Wildbach und Lawinenverbau - Journal of Torrent, Avalanche, Landslide and Rock Fall Engineering, Sonderheft 2002, Nr. 148, Imst, Austria.
[43] Supper R., Stotter Ch., Schattauer I., Meurers B., Okuma S., Chiappini M., Deritis R. 2003. High resolution airborne magnetic surveys to investigate the structure and system changes in active volcanic regions of southern Italy, Proceedings of the IUGG meeting in Sapporo, Japan.
[44] Supper R., Römer A., Stotter C. 2003. Geoelectrical Investigation in active volcanic Regions of Italy and development of a high speed geoelectrical monitoring system (Hspgeomonitor), Proceedings of the IUGG 2003 meeting in Sapporo, Japan.
[45] Okuma S., Nakatsuka T., Sugihara M, Komazawa M., Nakano S., Furukawa R., Elenjiparampil J.J., Supper R., Chiappini M. 2003. Geophysical signature on the subsurface structure of the Aeolian Islands. Proceedings of the IUGG meeting in Sapporo, Japan.
[46] Chiappini M., Nicolosi I., De Ritis R., Okuma S., Supper R.: 2003 Airborne magnetic anomaly images over Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Proceedings of the IUGG 2003 meeting in Sapporo, Japan.
[47] Bauer P., Zimmermann S., Supper R., Gumbricht T., Kinzelbach W. 2003. Density flow on islands in the Okavango Delta: small-scale field evidence and implications for the large-scale salt balance. Proceedings of the Second International Conference and Workshop on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers Monitoring, Modeling, and Management SWICA-M3, Merida, Mexico.
[48] Supper R. , Stotter C. , Schattauer I., Meurers B., Chiappini M., Okuma S., De Ritis R. 2003. Inferences from repeated airborne magnetic measurements on the island of Vulcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) for volcanic risk mitigation. Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Prag.
[49] Supper R. , Bauer P. , Kinzelbach W. Zimmermann S. 2003. Comparision of different 3d geoelectric survey layouts for detection of saltwater convection cells in the Okavango Delta (Botswana) and determination of 3d effects in 2d surveys. Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Prag.
[50] Supper R. , Römer A. 2003. New achievements in developing a high speed geoelectrical monitoring system for landslide monitoring. Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Prag.
[51] Fedi M., Florio G., Paoletti V., Rapolla A., Supper R., Swiechowicz B. 2003. Analisi del campo aeromagnetico dell’area Nord Flegrea, Assembly of The National Group of Volcanology (GNV), Roma, Proceedings.
[52] Fedi M., Florio G., Paoletti V., Rapolla A., Supper R., 2003. Analysis and interpretation of aeromagnetic data affected by intense cultural noise. 65th European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE) Conference, Stavanger, Norway, Proceedings.
[53] Paoletti V., Fedi M., Florio G., Supper R., Rapolla A. 2004. The new integrated aeromagnetic map of the Phlegrean Fields Volcano and surrounding areas. Annals of Geophysics, 47(5), 1569-1580.
[54] Gwinner K., Supper R. 2004. Assessment of volcanic flank instabilities by remote sensing based analysis of geoelectric data using high resolution digital stereo imagery. Proceedings of the 32IGC, invited paper, Firenze, Italy.
[55] Supper R., Stotter C., Schattauer I. 2004. The problem of high resolution positioning and the importance of innovative DEM generation for environmental airborne geophysics. Proceedings of the 32IGC, invited paper, Firenze, Italy.
[56] Jaritz W., Reiterer A., Supper R. 2004. Landslide Rindberg (Vorarlberg): Multidisciplin research, Proceedings of the 10th Interpraevent Congress, Riva del Garda, Italy.
[57] Supper R., Römer A. 2004. New achievements in developing a high speed geoelectrical monitoring system for landslide monitoring (Geomonitor2D). Proceedings of the SAGEEP 2004 meeting, Colorado Springs.
[58] Supper R., Bauer P., Zimmermann S., Kinzelbach W. 2004. Comparision of different 2d and 3d geoelectric survey layouts for detection of saltwater convection cells in the Okavango Delta (Botswana). Proceedings of the SAGEEP 2004 meeting, Colorado Springs.
[59] Supper R., Stotter Ch., Schattauer I., Meurers B. 2004. Inferences from repeated airborne magnetic measurements on the island of Vulcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) for volcanic risk mitigation. Proceedings of the SAGEEP 2004 meeting, Colorado Springs.
[60] Supper R., Deritis R., Chiappini M. 2004. Aeromagnetic anomaly images of Vulcano and Southern Lipari Islands (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy), Annals of Geophysics, 47(6),1803-1810.
[61] Paoletti V., Supper R., Chiappini M., Fedi M., Florio G., Rampolla A. 2005. Aeromagnetic survey of the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic area, Annals of geophysics, 48(2).
[62] Supper R., Stotter C., Gwinner K. 2005. Geoelectric surveys to supplement to determine the structure of Hydro-thermal systems – Case Study Vulcano. Proceedings of Near Surface 2005 conference, Palermo.
[63] Supper R., Stotter C., Motschka K., Schattauer I.,, Meurers B., S. OKUMA S., Chiappini M. 2005. A complex airborne geophysical strategy for volcanic risk mitigation at the Aeolian Islands. Proceedings of Near Surface 2005 conference, Palermo.
[64] Supper R., Römer A., Bieber G.,, Jaritz W.: A complex geo-scientific strategy for landslide hazard mitigation – case study Sibratsgfäll. Proceedings of Near Surface 2005 conference, Palermo.
[65] Stotter C., Supper R. 2005: Assets and Drawbacks of Draped Airborne-Magnetic Surveys in Highly Magnetized Regions – A Case Study. Proceedings of Near Surface 2005 conference, Palermo.
[66] Bauer P., Supper R., Zimmermann S., Kinzelbach W. 2006. Geoelectrical imaging of density fingers in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 60(2), 126-141.
[67] Okuma S., Nakatsuka T., Komazawa M., Sugihara M., Nakano S., Furukawa R., Supper R. 2006. Shallow subsurface structure of the Vulcano-Lipari volcanic complex, constrained by helicopter borne aeromagnetic survey, Exploration Geophysics, 9(1).
[68] Supper R. 2006. Airborne geophysical measurements in volcanic areas: state-of-the-art frontiers towards hazard prediction. Invited paper, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Airborne Geophysics 2006 (ISAG2006), Tsukuba, Japan.
[69] Okuma S., Nakatsuka T., Supper R., Komazawa M. 2006. High-resolution aeromagnetic anomaly map of the Vulcano-Lipari volcanic complex, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, 57(5/6).
[70] Meurers B., Schattauer I., Stotter Ch., Supper R. 2006. Investigation of temporal magnetic field variations on the Aeolian Islands by applying the equivalent source technique. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 06539.
[71] Paoletti V., Fedi M., Florio G., Rapolla A., Motschka K., Supper R. 2006. High-resolution airborne survey of the Ischia volcanic island, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 07196. Geophysics, Italy.
[72] Neuman B.R., Rahbek M.L., Supper R. 2006. Geophysical and remote sensing methods for hydrological modelling of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve catchment, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Global Wetland: Looking at Wetlands from Space, Frascati, Italy.
[73] Supper R., Ahl A. , Römer A., Jochum B., Bieber G. 2007. A complex geo-scientific strategy for landslide hazard mitigation – from airborne mapping to ground monitoring. Proceedings of the 2nd Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on the Role of Geophysics in Natural Disaster prevention, Lima, Peru.
[74] Ahl A., Supper R., Schattauer I., Stotter C., Meurers B. 2007. Airborne geophysical measurements in volcanic areas: state-of-the-art frontiers towards hazard prediction, Proceedings of the 2nd Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on the Role of Geophysics in Natural Disaster prevention. Geophysics, Lima.
[75] Meurers B., Schattauer I., Stotter Ch. and Supper R. 2007. Assessment of temporal magnetic field variations on the Aeolian Islands. Geophysical Research Abstracts.
[76] Okuma S., Stotter C., Supper R., Nakatsuka T. 2007. Aeromagnetic anomalies over Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Proceedings of the 116th SEGJ Conference, Tokyo.
[77] Neuman R.B., Alonso G. M., Vieyra M.R., Marín L., Supper R., Bauer-Gottwein P. 2007. A regional-scale groundwater model supporting management of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve and its catchment, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Proceedings of the AGU conference, Acapulco, Mexico, H51F-05.
[78] Supper R., Römer A., Avian M., Kellerer-Pirklbauer A. 2007. Geoelectrical measurements for permafrost monitoring at the Hoher Sonnblick, Salzburg, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts.
[79] Supper R., Meurers B., Stotter C., Okuma S. 2007. Differential magnetic measurements - a new tool for volcanic hazard prediction? Proceedings of the IUGG conference in Perugia, invited paper, Italy.
[80] Supper R., Ahl A., Römer A., Jochum B., Bieber G. 2008. A complex geo-scientific strategy for landslide hazard mitigation – from airborne mapping to ground monitoring. Advances in Geosciences, 14(1-6).
[81] Supper R., Römer A., Bieber G., Jaritz W., Wöhrer-Alge G. 2008. An inter-disciplinary strategy for landslide structure investigation and monitoring. Interpraevent - ¬Conference Proceedings, Vol.2, 251-259, Dornbirn.
[82] Supper R., Römer A., Bieber G., Jaritz W., Wöhrer-Alge M. An interdisciplinary approach to landslide hazard Assessment and monitoring, Interpraevent - Extended Abstracts, 408-409, Dornbirn.
[83] Jaritz W., Supper R., Wöhrer-Alge M. A strategy for landslide risk mitigation – the landslide of Sibratsgfäll / Austria. Interpraevent - Extended Abstracts, 198-199, Dornbirn.
[84] Jaritz W., Supper R., Wöhrer-Alge M. Beurteilung geogener Gefahren im Hinblick auf eine Risikominderung in der Gde. Sibratsgfäll (Österreich), Interpraevent - Conference Proceedings, Vol.2, 171-182, Dornbirn.
[85] Supper R., Motschka K., Bauer‐Gottwein P., Ahl A., Römer A., Neumann‐Gondwe B., Alonso M. G., Kinzelbach W. 2008. Spatial mapping of karstic cave structures by means of airborne electromagnetics: An emerging technology to support protection of endangered karst systems. -Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2008-A-01126.
[86] Supper R., Gwinner K., Stotter Ch. 2008. High resolution geoelectrical surveying of the shallow volcanic structure at the island of Vulcano, Italy, still in preparation.
[87] Meurers B. Supper R. 2008. Methodische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung zeitlicher Variationen von aeromagnetischen Anomalien. PANGEO 2008, Journal of Alpine Geology 49, Wien.
[88] Okuma S., Stotter C., Supper R., Nakatsuka T., Furukawa R. 2009. Magnetic Structure of Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Proceedings of the Japan Geoscience Union 2009 Meeting.
[89] Okuma S., Stotter C., Supper R., Nakatsuka T., Furukawa R., Motschka K. 2009. Aeromagnetic constraints on the subsurface structure of Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.02.035.
[90] Paoletti V., Di Maio R., Cella F., Florio G., Motschka K., Roberti N., Secomandi M., Supper R., Fedi M., Rapolla A. 2009 The Ischia volcanic island (Southern Italy): Inferences from potential field data interpretation, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 179, Issues 1-2, 69-86.
[91] Supper R., Ahl A., Motschka K., Ottowitz D., Bauer P., Merediz Alonso G., Jochum B., Gondwe B 2009. Spatial mapping of submerged cave systems by means of airborne electromagnetics: results from the 2008 mapping campaign in the area around Tulum, Yucatan. Proceedings of the SAGEEP 2009 meeting, Ford Worth, USA.
[92] Supper R., Motschka K., Ahl A., Ottowitz D., Bauer P., Gondwe B., Merediz Alonso G., Römer A.., Kinzelbach W. 2009. Spatial mapping of submerged cave systems by means of airborne electromagnetics: an emerging technology to support protection of endangered karst aquifers, In: Hydrogeophysics – Methods and Processes, Special issue of Near Surface Geophysics, 7(5-6), 613-627.
[93] Supper R., Ottowitz D. Ahl A., Motschka K., Römer A., Merediz Alonso G., Bauer-Gottwein P., Gondwe B. 2009. Karst Mapping Using Airborne Electromagnetics – Multi – Layer Inversion to Derive Spatially Distributed Parameter. Near Surface meeting Dublin, Extended Abstract 6718.
[94] Supper R., Motschka K., Ahl A., Ottowitz D., Merediz-Alonso G.: A combined airborne and ground geophysical survey to investigate the subsurface structure of Socorro Island. SEGJ 9th International Symposium, Sapporo, extended abstract.
[95] Supper R., Römer A., Jochum B.: Geoelectrical measurements for natural hazard monitoring. SEGJ 9th International Symposium, Sapporo, extended abstract.
[96] Schubert G., Motschka K., Ahl A., Slapansky P., Finger F., Alletsgruber I., Gasser V., Supper R., and Bieber G. 2009. Radon potential determination by a combination of geological mapping, geochemistry, groundwater investigations and airborne geophysics. EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9651-8.
[97] Supper R., Baron I., Jochum B., Ita A., Winkler E., Motschka K, Moser G. 2010. From structural investigation towards multi-parameter early warning systems: geophysical contributions to hazard mitigation at the landslide of Gschliefgraben (Gmunden, Upper Austria), EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-4649-1.
[98] Baron I., Supper R., Moser G., Gasperl W. 2010. Application of Differential Airborne Laser Scan for effective landslide inventory mapping and activity assessment in forested areas. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-3294.
[99] Ahl A., Supper R., Motschka K., Schattauer I. 2010. Alternative analysis of airborne laser data collected within conventional multi-parameter airborne geophysical surveys. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-15221.
[100] Supper R., Ita A., Römer A., Jochum B., Ottowitz D. 2010. GEOMON4D - a new high speed tool for geoelectrical monitoring in permafrost regions. Proceedings of the Permafrost Workshop in Obergurgl, Austria.
[101] Jochum B., Lovisolo M., Supper R., Ita A., Baron I., Ottowitz D. 2010. Preliminary results of the ground geophysical monitoring in Gschliefgraben. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-3276-1.
[102] Baron I., Supper R. 2010. A general assessment of landslide investigation and monitoring methods in Europe (preliminary results). – In: Monitoring Technologies and Early Warning Systems – Current Research and Perspectives for the Future (Eds. Supper R. and Baron I.), book of extended abstracts, open workshop in frame of the EU FP7 “Safeland” project, February 24th, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Vol. 82., Vienna.
[103] Supper R., Baron I. 2010. Landslide Monitoring Technologies & Early Warning Systems – Current Research and Perspectives for the Future. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Vol. 82, Vienna.
[104] Supper R., Baron I., Jochum B., Ita A., Motschka K., Winkler E. 2010. Airborne geophysics and geoelectric and inclinometric monitoring at the Gschliefgraben landslide. In: Monitoring Technologies and Early Warning Systems – Current Research and Perspectives for the Future (Eds. Supper R. and Baron I.), book of extended abstracts, open workshop in frame of the EU FP7 “Safeland” Project, February 24th, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Vol. 82, Vienna.
[105] Supper R., Baron I., Ita A., Winkler E., Jochum B., Motschka K. 2010. Airborne geophysical Survey and Innovative Landslide Monitoring at Gschliefgraben, Austria, EAGE Near Surface conference, extended abstract B09.
[106] Hausmann, H., Supper, R., Ita, A., Römer, A., Mistelbauer, T. 2010. The application of D.C. resistivity sounding in two Alpine ice caves. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Ice Caves, Obertraun, Austria.
[107] Supper R., Motschka K. 2010. Geophysikalische Schwerpunkte an der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Vortrag im Rahmen: Geophysik in Österreich, Herbstkolloquium der Österreichischen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 3.11., electronic proceedings at, Vienna.
[108] Supper R., Jochum B., Baron I., Lovisolo M., Römer A., Ottowitz D., Cardellini S. 2011. Results of geoelectrical monitoring of landslides collected by the SafeLand/TEMPEL network. In: The 2nd World Landslide Forum, Abstract Book (Eds. Catani F., Margottini C., Trigila A., Iadanza C.), ISPRA, Rome, 265.
[109] Supper R., Moser G., Gasperl W., Corsini A. 2011. From landslide characterization to the classification of the site for Early Warning: the case histories of Gschliefgraben (Austria) and the case of Emilia Romagna region (Italy). Invited talk for the short course: “From project to management of an integrated early warning system for landslides”, 2nd World Landslide Forum, Rome.
[110] Van Den Eeckhaut M., Kerle N., Hervás J., Supper R. 2011. Mapping of landslides under dense vegetation cover using object‐oriented analysis and LiDAR derivatives. In: The 2nd World Landslide Forum, Abstract Book (Eds. Catani F., Margottini C., Trigila A., Iadanza C.), ISPRA, Rome, 160.
[111] Supper R., Römer A., Jochum B. 2011. Permanent geoelectrical monitoring in a permafrost region (Mölltaler Glacier), EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8667.
[112] Paoletti V., Tarallo D., Supper R., Rapolla A. 2011. Strategies for seismic hazard mitigation in landslide-prone regions, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-7153.
[113] Merediz-Alonso G., Bauer-Gottwein P., Gondwe B., Fregoso A., Supper R. 2011. Still waters run deep - Mexico’s groundwater management. In: Global Water Issues, Bureau of International Information Programs, United States Department of State, Washington DC, 120-123.
[114] Supper R., Baroň I., Winkler E., Motschka K., Ahl A., Ottowitz D., Čarman M., Kumelj Š. 2011. Použití multiparametrické letecké geofyziky při průzkumu komplexních hlubokých svahových deformací (Sesuvy Gschliefgraben v Rakousku a Stože ve Slovinsku). Proceedings SVAHOVÉ DEFORMACE A PSEUDOKRAS 2011, Svahovky o.s. & FAST VUT, Bruno.
[115] Tilch N., Supper R., Romer A., Jochum B., Motschka K., Winkler E. 2011. Ergebnisse (aero)geophysikalischer Untersuchungen im Bereich der Katastrophenregion Schnepfau-Au-Diedamskopf vom August 2005, (Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg). Geoforum Umhausen, Tagungsband, 36-37, Umhausen.
[116] Supper R., Baroň I., Seren S., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Jochum B., Römer A., Winkler E., Motschka K., Moser G. 2011. Structures of deep-seated slope failures at Gschliefgraben recognized by complex of geophysical surveys. 2nd Conference on Slope Tectonics, Electronic Proceedings of the Conference, Vienna.
[117] Supper R., Baron I., Pfaffhuber A. 2011. Recent trends in Airborne and Spaceborne Techniques: Airborne geophysics. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 44-49, Florence.
[118] Supper R., Baron I., Jochum B. 2011. Recent trends in ground based techniques: Geoelectric monitoring. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 50-55, Florence.
[119] Supper R., Baron I. 2011. Questionnaire on ground based techniques. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 56-65, Florence.
[120] Supper R., Baron I., Jochum B. 2011. Outcome from Safeland test sites: Geoelectrical Monitoring: Gschliefgraben. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 142-147, Florence.
[121] Supper R., Baron I., Carman M., Kumelj S. 2011. Outcome from Safeland Test sites: Airborne geophysical survey: Stože, Log pod Mangrtom (detection and mapping). In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 169-174, Florence.
[122] Tilch N., Supper R., Motschka K., Winkler E. 2011. Outcome from Safeland Test sites: Airborne geophysics: Schnepfau, Austria (detection and mapping). In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 175-181, Florence.
[123] Supper R., Baron I., Winkler E., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Römer A. 2011. Outcome from Safeland Test sites: Airborne frequency domain EM mapping, Gschliefgraben, Austria (detection and mapping). In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 182-200, Florence.
[124] Supper R., Jaritz W., Winkler E. 2011. Outcome from Safeland Test sites: Airborne geophysics (monitoring): Sibratsgfall. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 207-223, Florence.
[125] Supper R., Römer A. 2011. Anwendungen von hochpräzisen GPS Messungen in der Geophysik der Geologischen Bundesanstalt – Ein Ausblick. Geodäsie Austria Symposium, Steyr, Programmheft.
[126] Lettner H., Supper R., Motschka K., Winkler E., Kauer S. 2011. Tschernobyl 1986, 2011 alles vorbei ? - 137Cs Measurements by Airborne Geophysics. Herbstkolloquium der Österreichischen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 3.11., Das Erdbeben von Japan – Ursache und Folgen aus heutiger Sicht, electronic proceedings at, Vienna.
[127] Baron I., Supper R. 2011. Application of differential ALS for landslide inventory mapping in forested areas: The test site of Gschliefgraben. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.3, Creation and Updating of Landslide Inventory Maps, Landslide Deformation Maps and Hazard Maps as Input for QRA Using Remote-Sensing Technology, Strasbourg.
[128] Supper R., Baron I., Winkler E., Motschka K., Jaritz W., Moser G., Carman M. 2012. Caesium-137 as Indicator of Present Mass-Movement and Erosion Processes, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-13816.
[129] Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J.-P., Grandjean G., Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D. 2012. Monitoring water flows with time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography on the Super-Sauze landslide, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-4292-1.
[130] Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Supper R., Keuschnig M., Hartmeyer I. 2012. Permanent geoelectrical and temperature monitoring in the permafrost region Magnetköpfl, Salzburg. EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1840.
[131] A. Stumpf A., Malet J.-P., Kerle N., Tofani V., Segoni S., Casagli N., Michoud C., M. Jaboyedoff M., G. Fornaro G., D. Peduto D., L. Cascini L., I. Baron I., R. Supper R., T. Oppikofer T., L'Heureux J.-S., Van Den Eeckhaut M., Hervás J., Moya J., Raucoules D., Carman M. 2012. Guidelines for the selection of appropriate remote sensing technologies for landslide detection, monitoring and rapid mapping: the experience of the SafeLand European Project, EGU General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-6537.
[132] Gondwe B. R. N., Ottowitz D., Supper R., Motschka K., Merediz-Alonso G., Bauer-Gottwein P. 2012. Regional-scale airborne electromagnetic surveying of the Yucatan karst aquifer: geological and hydrogeological interpretation. Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 20, issue 7, 1407-1425.
[133] Supper R., Jochum B., Kim J.H., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Baron I., Römer A., Vecchiotti F., Lovisolo M., Cardellini S., Moser G. 2012. The TEMPEL geoelectrical monitoring network for landslides: highlights of recent monitoring result. In: 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Vienna, Book of extended abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 93, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 144-151.
[134] Supper R., Römer A., Kreuzer G., Jochum B. 2012. The GEOMON 4D electrical monitoring system: current state and future developments. In: 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Vienna, Book of extended abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 93, , Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 23–26.
[135] Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Supper R., Römer A., Pfeiler S., Keuschnig M. 2012. Permafrost monitoring at Mölltaler Glacier and Magnetköpfl. In: 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Vienna, Book of extended abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 93, , Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 57-64.
[136] Kim J.-H., Tsourlos P., Supper R. 2011. 4D inversion of L1 and L2 norm minimizations. In: 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Vienna, Book of extended abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 93, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 106-113.
[137] Supper R., Römer A., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Kim J. H., Pfeiler S., I. Baron, Lovisolo M., Cardellini S., Moser G. 2012. Geoelectrical Monitoring of Landslides. Invited talk at KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea.
[138] Supper R., A. Römer A., B. Jochum B., D. Ottowitz D., Kim J.-H, Pfeiler S., I. Baron I., Lovisolo M., Cardellini S., Moser G. 2012. Geoelectrical Monitoring of Landslides, invited talk at Hanyang University, Seoul Korea.
[139] Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Baroň I, Vecchiotti V., Pfeiler S., Römer A. , Lovisolo M. , Kim J-H. 2012. Case histories – Analysis of real monitoring data: Bagnaschino. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.6, Report on Evaluation of Mass Movement Indicators (Eds. Baron & Supper, 191-220, Vienna.
[140] Supper R., Jochum B., Baroň I, Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Römer A. , Lovisolo M. , Moser G. 2012. Case histories – Analysis of real monitoring data: Ampflwang-Hausruck. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.6, Report on Evaluation of Mass Movement Indicators (Eds. Baron & Supper), 150-173, Vienna.
[141] Supper R., Baron I., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Kauer S., Römer A. , Ita A., Moser G., Lovisolo M. , Kim J-H. 2012. Case histories – Analysis of real monitoring data: Gschliefgraben. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.6, Report on Evaluation of Mass Movement Indicators (Eds. Baron & Supper), 234-260, Vienna.
[142] Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J.P., Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Grandjean G. 2012. Electrical Monitoring of the Super-Sauze landslide, Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, extended abstracts.
[143] Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J.-P., Grandjean G., Supper R. 2012. Monitoring water flows with time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography on the Super-Sauze landslide, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-4292-1.
[144] Supper R., Schiller A., Vuilleumier C., Ottowitz D., Ahl A., Motschka K. 2012. Airborne and Ground Geophysics for Modelling a Karstic Conduit System: New Results from the 2007-2011 Campaigns in Tulum. Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, extended abstracts.
[145] Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Römer A., Baron I., Pfeiler S., Lovisolo M., Moser G., Cardelini S., J.H. 2012. Geoelectric Monitoring to Investigate Landslide Dynamics. Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, extended abstracts.
[146] Kim J.H., Supper R., Tsourlos P., Yi M.J. 2012. 4D Inversion of Resistivity Monitoring Data through Lp Norm Minimizations. Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, extended abstracts.
[147] Vuilleumier C., Borghi A., Renard P., Ottowitz D., Schiller A., Supper R., Cornaton F. 2013. A method for the stochastic modeling of karstic systems accounting for geophysical data: an example of application in the region of Tulum, Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). Hydrogeology Journal, 21(8), DOI 10.1007/s10040-012-0944-1.
[148] Supper R., Chambers J., Tsourlos P., Kim J. H. 2013. Foreword - Special Issue on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Near surface geophysics, 12(1), 1-3, DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2013068.
[149] Supper R., Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Kim J.H., Römer A., Baron I., Pfeiler S., Lovisolo M., Gruber S., Vecchiotti, F. 2013. Geoelectrical monitoring: an innovative method to supplemented landslide surveillance and early warning. In: Special Issue on Geoelectrical Monitoring (Eds. Supper R., Chambers J., Tsourlos P., Kim J. H.), Near surface geophysics, 12(1), 133-150, DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2013060.
[150] Supper R., Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Römer A., Pfeiler S., Gruber S., Keuschnig M., Ita A. 2013. Geoelectrical monitoring of frozen ground and permafrost in Alpine areas: Field studies and considerations towards an improved measuring technology. In: Special Issue on Geoelectrical Monitoring (Eds. Supper R., Chambers J., Tsourlos P., Kim J. H.), Near Surface Geophysics, 12(1), 93-115, DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2013057.
[151] Supper R., Baron I., Ottowitz D., Motschka K., Gruber S., Winkler E., Jochum B., Römer A. 2013. Airborne geophysical mapping as an innovative methodology for landslide investigation: evaluation of results from the Gschliefgraben landslide, Austria. In: New Developments and Applications in Early Warning, Monitoring and Remote Sensing of Landslides. Special issue of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3313-3328.
[152] Baron I., Supper R. 2013. Application and reliability of techniques for landslide site investigation, monitoring and early warning – outcomes from a questionnaire study. In: New Developments and Applications in Early Warning, Monitoring and Remote Sensing of Landslides. Special issue of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3157-3168, nhess-2012-555.
[153] Baron I., Supper R., Winkler E., Motschka K., Ahl A., Čarman M., Kumelj Š. 2013. Airborne geophysical survey of the catastrophic landslide at Stože, Log pod Mangrtom, as a test of an innovative approach for landslide mapping in steep alpine terrains. In: New Developments and Applications in Early Warning, Monitoring and Remote Sensing of Landslides. Special issue of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2543-2550, nhess-2012-554.
[154] Van Den Eeckhaut M., Kerle N., Hervás J., Supper R. 2013. Mapping of landslides under dense vegetation cover using object-oriented analysis and LiDAR derivatives. In: Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 1: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, Chapter: Mapping of Landslides Under Dense Vegetation Cover Using Object-Oriented Analysis and LiDAR Derivatives (Eds. Margottini C., Canuti P., Sassa K.), 103-109, Springer, Berlin.
[155] Supper R., Jochum B., Baron I., Lovisolo M., Römer A., Ottowitz D., Cardellini S. 2013. Results of Geoelectrical Monitoring of Landslides Collected by the SafeLand/TEMPEL Network. In: Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 2: Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring, Chapter: Landslide Monitoring and Instrumentation (Eds. Margottini C., Canuti P., Sassa K.), 281-288, Springer, Berlin.
[156] Kim J.-H., Supper R., Tsourlos P., Yi M.-J. 2013. Four-dimensional inversion of resistivity monitoring data through Lp norm minimizations. Geophysical Journal International 12/2013, 195(3), 1640-1656, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt324.
[157] Gruber S, Supper R., Schiller A., Ottowitz D., Kim J.H. 2014. Geophysics for the Determination of Hydrological Parameters of Karst Systems in Yucatan, Mexico. Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, extended abstracts.
[158] Supper R., Ottowitz D., Kim J.H., Jochum B., Gruber S., Pfeiler S. 2014. Geophysics in the Context of Disaster Mitigation - Results from the Landslide at Pechgraben, Austria. Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, extended abstracts.
[159] Kim J.H., Yi M.J., Supper R., Ottowitz D. 2014. Simultaneous Inversion of Resistivity Structure and Electrode Locations in ERT. Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, extended abstracts.
[160] Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J.-P., Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Grandjean G. 2014. One-year analysis of time-lapse electrical data on a clayey landslide: Identification of elementary hydrological processes. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-16052-1.
[161] Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Supper R., Keuschnig M., Hartmeyer I., Kim J.-H., Highlights from two years of geoelectrical monitoring of permafrost at the Magnetköpfl/Kitzsteinhorn. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-3738-1.
[162] Supper R., Gruber S., Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Pfeiler S. 2014. Geoelectrical investigations and monitoring in the context of disaster response at the landslide in Pechgraben, Austria. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 31, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
[163] Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Supper R. 2014. Highlights from two years of geoelectrical monitoring of permafrost at the Magnetköpfl/ Kitzsteinhorn. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 62, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
[164] J. Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J. P., Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Grandjean G. 2014. One year time-lapse electrical data to monitor natural hydrological processes acting on a clayey landslide. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 33, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
[165] Kim J.H., Yi M.J., Supper R., Ottowitz D. 2014. Simultaneous optimization of resistivity structure and electrode locations in ERT. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 35, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
[166] Ottowitz D., Supper R., Jochum B., Gruber S. 2014. Geoelectrical Monitoring of infiltration processes at two embankment dams during the 100-year flood in Austria. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 45, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien
seit 2014
Projektleiter ÖAW Projekt LAMOND – „Long - Term Landslide Monitoring for Understanding of Underlying Dynamic Processes as Basis for an End-User Focused Early Warning”
Koordinator der GBA Aktivitäten im Rahmen des Katastropheneinsatzes und der nachfolgenden Sanierungsmaßnahmen in Pechgraben
seit 2012
Projektleiter FWF International Cooperation Project XIBALBA - “Geometry, Genesis and Dynamic of the Yucatan Karstic System – Innovative Geophysics for Hydrologic Parameter Acquisition“
Projektleiter FWF Translational Brainpower Project “TEMPEL- Geoelectric Properties: Temporal Change as Failure Indicator”, TRP 175-N21
WP-Leiter im Rahmen des EU-IP- FP7 Project “SaveLand – Living with Landslide Risk in Europe: Assessment, effects of global change, and risk management strategies”, verantwortlich für das Work Package “Evaluation and development of reliable procedures and technologies for early warning”
Projektleiter FWF Projekt XPLORE - “Innovative Geophysics for Advanced Karst Water Modelling” (L524-N10)
Ko-Koordinator für das FWF-Translational Research Projekt “Improved Modelling and Interpretation of Complex Geophysical Data Applied to the Eolian Volcanic Province (COMVOLC)”
seit 2002
Projektleiter für das Projekt “ Bodengeophysikalische Untersuchungen zur Unterstützung von geologischen Kartierarbeiten und hydrogeologisch und rohstoffrelevanten Projekten ”- ÜLG-35 im Rahmen von VLG – Vollzug des Lagerstättengesetzes
seit 2002
Projektleiter Stv. für das Projekt “ Aerogeophysikalische Vermessung des Bundesgebietes”-ÜLG-20 im Rahmen von VLG – Vollzug des Lagerstättengesetzes
seit 2002
Projektkoordinator für die Entwicklung eines innovativen geoelektrischen Monitoringsystems GEOMON4D (Systemdesign, Begleitung der Entwicklungsphase, praktische Anwendbarkeit, Umwandlung des Prototypen zu marktreifem Gerät, Weiterentwicklung IP Monitoring), u.a. Bund-Bundesländerkooperationsprojekt
Nationaler Koordinator für das EU-INTAS project “Improvement of drinking water supply in the Amu Darya basin by using groundwater resources of fresh water lenses”
Nationaler Koordinator für das EU-INTAS Projekt “Density Induced Flow and Transport in Aquifers” (DENSFLOW)
Nationaler Koordinator für das EU-FP-4 Projekt “Electromagnetic and Potential Fields Integrated Tomographies Applied to Volcanic Environments” (TOMAVE); erstes EU Projekt der GBA (!); Initiierung, Anwerbung, Durchführung, Abrechnung.
Seit 2001
Projektleiter in mehr als 70 Auftragsprojekten im Bereich Naturgefahren, Hydrologie, Geotechnik und Rohstofferkundung