David Ottowitz
(derzeit karenziert) Abteilung » Oberflächennahe GeophysikAufgabenbereiche
- Planung, Durchführung und Interpretation geophysikalischer Messungen (Geoelektrik, Bohrlochgeophysik,....) für unterschiedliche Fragestellungen (Hydrologie, Naturgefahren, geologische Kartierung, Untersuchungen im Rahmen von Infrastrukturprojekten,...)
- Aufbau und Wartung geophysikalischer Monitoring-Systeme im Naturgefahrenbereich (Hangrutschungen)
- Datenprozessing, -auswertung und Interpretation von geoelektrischen Langzeitbeobachtungen (Hangrutschungen, Permafrost)
- Geräteentwicklung (Geoelektrisches Monitoring, Fotomonitoring,...)
Diplomstudium der Geophysik an der Universität Wien
Dez. 2009
Abschluss des Studiums (Diplomarbeit:
3D-Modellrechnung der Karststrukturen des Ox Bel Ha
Höhlensystems zur Methodenevaluierung – Aeroelektromagnetik)
Auszeichnung der Diplomarbeit durch den "Na-Wi-Club" der Universtät Wien
In unterschiedlichem Ausmaß beschäftigt an der Geoelogischen Bundesanstalt (Geophysikalische Messungen, Arbeiten im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit)
seit Nov. 2008
Anstellung als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - breit gestreutes Tätigkeitsfeld (Mitarbeit und teilweise Leitung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsprojekte, Abwicklung geophysikalischer Auftragsmessungen,...)
Jochum B., Lovisolo M., Supper R., Ita A., Baron I., Ottowitz D. 2010. Preliminary results of the ground geophysical monitoring in Gschliefgraben. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU2010-3276-1.
Supper R., Jochum B., Baron I., Lovisolo M., Römer A., Ottowitz D., Cardellini S. 2011. Results of geoelectrical monitoring of landslides collected by the SafeLand/TEMPEL network. In: The 2nd World Landslide Forum, Abstract Book (Eds. Catani F., Margottini C., Trigila A., Iadanza C.), ISPRA, Rome, 265.
Supper R., Baroň I., Seren S., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Jochum B., Römer A., Winkler E., Motschka K., Moser G. 2011. Structures of deep-seated slope failures at Gschliefgraben recognized by complex of geophysical surveys. 2nd Conference on Slope Tectonics, Electronic Proceedings of the Conference, Vienna.
Supper R., Baron I., Winkler E., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Römer A. 2011. Outcome from Safeland Test sites: Airborne frequency domain EM mapping, Gschliefgraben, Austria (detection and mapping). In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.5, Evaluation Report on Innovative Monitoring and Remote Sensing Methods and Future Technology, 182-200, Florence.
Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Supper R., Keuschnig M., Hartmeyer I. 2012. Permanent geoelectrical and temperature monitoring in the permafrost region Magnetköpfl, Salzburg. EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1840.
Gondwe B. R. N., Ottowitz D., Supper R., Motschka K., Merediz-Alonso G., Bauer-Gottwein P. 2012. Regional-scale airborne electromagnetic surveying of the Yucatan karst aquifer: geological and hydrogeological interpretation. Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 20, issue 7, 1407-1425.
Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Supper R., Römer A., Pfeiler S., Keuschnig M. 2012.Permafrost monitoring at Mölltaler Glacier and Magnetköpfl. In: 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Vienna, Book of extended abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 93, ,Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 57-64.
Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Baroň I, Vecchiotti V., Pfeiler S., Römer A. , Lovisolo M. , Kim J-H. 2012. Case histories – Analysis of real monitoring data: Bagnaschino. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.6, Report on Evaluation of Mass Movement Indicators (Eds. Baron & Supper, 191-220, Vienna.
Supper R., Jochum B., Baroň I, Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Römer A. , Lovisolo M. , Moser G. 2012. Case histories – Analysis of real monitoring data: Ampflwang-Hausruck. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.6, Report on Evaluation of Mass Movement Indicators (Eds. Baron & Supper), 150-173, Vienna.
Supper R., Baron I., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Kauer S., Römer A. , Ita A., Moser G., Lovisolo M. , Kim J-H. 2012. Case histories – Analysis of real monitoring data: Gschliefgraben. In: The Safeland Project, Deliverable 4.6, Report on Evaluation of Mass Movement Indicators (Eds. Baron & Supper), 234-260, Vienna.
Supper R., Schiller A., Vuilleumier C., Ottowitz D., Ahl A., Motschka K. 2012. Airborne and Ground Geophysics for Modelling a Karstic Conduit System: New Results from the 2007-2011 Campaigns in Tulum. Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, extended abstracts.
Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Römer A., Baron I., Pfeiler S., Lovisolo M., Moser G., Cardelini S., J.H. 2012. Geoelectric Monitoring to Investigate Landslide Dynamics. Near Surface Geoscience 2012 – 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, extended abstracts.
VuilleumierC., Borghi A., Renard P., Ottowitz D., Schiller A., Supper R., Cornaton F. 2013. A method for the stochastic modeling of karstic systems accounting for geophysical data: an example of application in the region of Tulum, Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). Hydrogeology Journal, 21(8), DOI 10.1007/s10040-012-0944-1.
Supper R., Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Kim J.H., Römer A., Baron I., Pfeiler S., Lovisolo M., Gruber S., Vecchiotti, F. 2013. Geoelectrical monitoring: an innovative method to supplemented landslide surveillance and early warning. In: Special Issue on Geoelectrical Monitoring (Eds. Supper R., Chambers J., Tsourlos P., Kim J. H.), Near surface geophysics, 12(1), 133-150, DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2013060.
Supper R., Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Römer A., Pfeiler S., Gruber S., Keuschnig M., Ita A. 2013. Geoelectrical monitoring of frozen ground and permafrost in Alpine areas: Field studies and considerations towards an improved measuring technology. In: Special Issue on Geoelectrical Monitoring (Eds. Supper R., Chambers J., Tsourlos P., Kim J. H.), Near Surface Geophysics, 12(1), 93-115, DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2013057.
Supper R., Baron I., Ottowitz D., Motschka K., Gruber S., Winkler E., Jochum B., Römer A. 2013. Airborne geophysical mapping as an innovative methodology for landslide investigation: evaluation of results from the Gschliefgraben landslide, Austria. In: New Developments and Applications in Early Warning, Monitoring and Remote Sensing of Landslides. Special issue of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3313-3328.
Supper R., Jochum B., Baron I., Lovisolo M., Römer A., Ottowitz D., Cardellini S. 2013. Results of Geoelectrical Monitoring of Landslides Collected by the SafeLand/TEMPEL Network. In: Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 2: Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring, Chapter: Landslide Monitoring and Instrumentation (Eds. Margottini C., Canuti P., Sassa K.), 281-288, Springer, Berlin.
Gruber S, Supper R., Schiller A., Ottowitz D., Kim J.H. 2014. Geophysics for the Determination of Hydrological Parameters of Karst Systems in Yucatan, Mexico. Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, extended abstracts.
Supper R., Ottowitz D., Kim J.H., Jochum B., Gruber S., Pfeiler S. 2014. Geophysics in the Context of Disaster Mitigation - Results from the Landslide at Pechgraben, Austria. Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, extended abstracts.
Kim J.H., Yi M.J., Supper R., Ottowitz D. 2014. Simultaneous Inversion of Resistivity Structure and Electrode Locations in ERT. Near Surface Geoscience 2014 – 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, extended abstracts.
Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J.-P., Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Grandjean G. 2014. One year analysis of time-lapse electrical data on a clayey landslide: Identification of elementary hydrological processes. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-16052-1.
Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Supper R., Keuschnig M., Hartmeyer I., Kim J.-H., Highlights from two years of geoelectrical monitoring of permafrost at the Magnetköpfl/Kitzsteinhorn. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-3738-1.
Supper R., Gruber S., Ottowitz D., Jochum B., Pfeiler S. 2014. Geoelectrical investigations and monitoring in the context of disaster response at the landslide in Pechgraben, Austria. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 31, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Pfeiler S., Supper R. 2014. Highlights from two years of geoelectrical monitoring of permafrost at the Magnetköpfl/ Kitzsteinhorn. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 62, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
J. Gance J., Sailhac P., Malet J. P., Supper R., Jochum B., Ottowitz D., Grandjean G. 2014. One year time-lapse electrical data to monitor natural hydrological processes acting on a clayey landslide. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 33, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
Kim J.H., Yi M.J., Supper R., Ottowitz D. 2014. Simultaneous optimization of resistivity structure and electrode locations in ERT. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 35, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
Ottowitz D., Supper R., Jochum B., Gruber S. 2014. Geoelectrical Monitoring of infiltration processes at two embankment dams during the 100-year flood in Austria. In: GELMON2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Collection of abstracts, Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 104, 45, Verlag der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
seit 2014
operativer Projektleiter ÖAW Projekt LAMOND – „Long - Term Landslide Monitoring for Understanding of Underlying Dynamic Processes as Basis for an End-User Focused Early Warning”
Mitarbeit bei den GBA Aktivitäten im Rahmen des Katastropheneinsatzes und der nachfolgenden Sanierungsmaßnahmen in Pechgraben
Projektmitarbeiter FWF Translational Brainpower Project “TEMPEL- Geoelectric Properties: Temporal Change as Failure Indicator”, TRP 175-N21
Projektmitarbeiter des EU-IP- FP7 Projekts “SaveLand – Living with Landslide Risk in Europe: Assessment, effects of global change, and risk management strategies”, Mitarbeit beim Work Package “Evaluation and development of reliable procedures and technologies for early warning
Projektmitarbeiter FWF Projekt XPLORE - “Innovative Geophysics for Advanced Karst Water Modelling” (L524-N10)