Marc Ostermann
Abteilung » Hydrogeologie und gravitative Naturgefahren
Programmkoordinator für Geomonitoring and Katastrophenschutz
1994 Matura am Bundes-Oberstufen-Realgymnasium Telfs, Tirol
2003 Sponsion an der Universität Innsbruck im Fach Geologie
Diplomarbeit: Strukturell-Stratigraphische Neubearbeitung des Kalkalpensüdrandes zwischen Zirl und Kranebitten. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Rainer Brandner
2003-2006 Forschungsassistent beim FWF-Projekt: Quaternary lithified carbonate talus of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria): sedimentology, diagenesis, and paleoenvironmental significance. Leitung: Prof. Dr. Diethard Sanders
2007 Promotion an der Universität Innsbruck im Fach Geologie
Doktorarbeit: Uranium/Thorium age-dating of „impure“ carbonate cements of selected Quaternary depositional systems of western Austria: results, implications, and problems. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Diethard Sanders
2006-2008 Freier Mitarbeiter im Ingenieurbüro alpECON Wilhelmy KEG Telfes im Stubai
2008-2011 Projektleiter des FWF-Projektes: Catastrophic rockslides in the Alps an der Universität Innsbruck
2011-2012 Projektkoordinator für das Projekt: Alpen‐Profil ‐ Ein geologischer Schnitt von Bad Tölz bis zum Schlern an der Universität Innsbruck unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Rainer Brandner
2012-2016 Projektleiter des Projektes: Age Inventory and Analysis of Catastrophic Rock Slope Failures in South Tyrol an der Universität Innsbruck
2016 Ausbildung zum Naturführer
2017 Ausbildung zum Tiroler Bergwanderführer
2017 Befähigungsprüfung Ingenieurbüro
seit Oktober 2017 Programmkoordinator für Geomonitoring und Katastrophenschutz
ISI journal articles, book chapter, peer-reviewed conference papers:
[1] Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., 2017:The Brenner pass rock avalanche cluster suggests a close relation between long term slope deformation (DSGSDs and translational rock slides) and catastrophic failure. Geomorphology, Vol. 289, 44-59, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.12.018
[2] Ostermann, M., Ivy-Ochs, S., Sanders, D., Prager, Ch., 2017: Multi-method (14C, 36Cl, 234U/230Th) age bracketing of the Tschirgant rockslide (Eastern Alps): Implications for numerical dating of catastrophic mass-wasting. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 42/7, DOI: 1110-1118, 10.1002/esp.4077
[3] Ostermann, M., Prager, Ch., 2016: Rock slope failures shaping the landscape in the Loisach-, Inn- and Ötz Valley region (Tyrol, Austria). Geo.Alp, Vol. 13, 100-119.
[4] Sanders, D., Preh, A., Sausgruber, Th., Pomella, H., Ostermann, M., Sedlmaier, A., 2016: Rock-fall triggered, long-runout, two-layer srcee/snow avalanche, old rock avalanche deposits and epigenetic canyon incision (Northern Calcareous Alps): consequences for hazard assessment and landscape history. Geo.Alp, Vol. 13, 183-202.
[5] Tran, H., Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., 2016. Calcium-carbonate permineralized wood in spring-associated limestones (Eastern Alps): distribution, types of preservation, and significance for petrifaction. Submitted to Facies.
[6] Ostermann, M., Prager, Ch., 2014: Causes, Kinematics and Effects of major Holocene Rock Slope Failures in the lower Ötz Valley. In: Kerschner, H., Krainer, K., Spötl, Ch. (Eds.): From the foreland to the Central Alps – Field trips to selected sites of Quaternary research in the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps. Geozon, 116-127.
[7] Haas, U., Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Hornung, Th., 2014: Quaternary Sediments in the Werdenfels region (Bavaria, southern Germany). In: Kerschner, H., Krainer, K., Spötl, Ch. (Eds.): From the foreland to the Central Alps – Field trips to selected sites of Quaternary research in the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps. Geozon, 18-30.
[8] Sanders, D., Wischounig, L., Gruber, A., Ostermann, M., 2014: Inner gorge–slot canyon system produced by repeated stream incision (Eastern Alps): Significance for development of bedrock canyons. Geomorphology, 214, 465-484. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph. 2014.03.007
[9] Sanders, D., Widera, L., Ostermann, M., 2014: Two-layer scree/snow-avalanche triggered by rockfall (Eastern Alps): Significance for sedimentology of scree slopes. Sedimentology, 61, 4, 996-1030. doi: 10.111/sed.12083
[10] Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Alfimov, V., Rockenschaub, M., Römer A., 2012: Early Holocene (8.6 ka) rock avalanche deposits , Obernberg valley (Eastern Alps): Landform interpretation and kinematics of rapid mass movement. Geomorphology, 171-172, 83-93. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.05.006
[11] Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., 2012: Post-glacial rockslides in a 200x130 km area of the Alps: Characteristics, ages, and uncertainties. In: Eberhardt, E., Froese, C., Turner, K., Leroueil, S. (Eds.): Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Protecting Society through Improved Understanding. Boca Raton, 659 663.
[12] Sanders, D., Ostermann, M., 2011: Post-last glacial alluvial fan and talus slope associations (Northern Calcareous, Alps, Austria): A proxy for Late Pleistocene to Holocene climate change. Geomorphology, 131, 3-4, 85-97. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.04.029
[13] Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Kramers, J., 2010: Meteoric diagenesis of Quaternary carbonate rocky talus slope successions (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria). Facies, 56, 27-46. DOI: 10.1007/s10347-009-0194-4
[14] Sanders, D., Ostermann, M., Brandner, R., Prager, C., 2010: Meteoric lithification of catastrophic rockslide deposits: diagenesis and significance. Sedimentary Geology, 223, 150-161. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2009.11.007
[15] Sanders, D., Ostermann, M., Kramers, J., 2009: Quaternary carbonate-rocky talus slope successions (Eastern Alps, Austria): sedimentary facies and facies architecture. Facies, 55, 3, 345-373. doi: 10.1007/s10347-008-0175-z
[16] Prager, C., Ivy-Ochs, S., Ostermann, M., Synal, H.-A., Patzelt, G., 2009: Geology and radiometric 14C-, 36Cl- and Th-U-dating of the Fernpass rockslide (Tyrol, Austria). Geomorphology, 103, 1, 93-103. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.10.018
[17] Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Prager, C., Kramers, J., 2007: Aragonite and calcite cementation in‚ boulder-controlled‘ meteoric environments on the Fern Pass rockslide (Austria): implications for radiometric age-dating of catastrophic mass movements. Facies, 53, 189-208. DOI:10.1007/s10347-006-0098-5
[18] Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Kramers, J., 2006: 230Th/234U ages of calcite cements of the proglacial valley fills of Gamperdona and Bürs (Riss ice age, Vorarlberg, Austria): geological implications. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 31-41.
[19] Sanders, D., Ostermann, M., 2006: Depositional setting of the sedimentary rocks containing the „warm-interglacial“ fossil flora of the Höttinger Brekzie (Pleistocene, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria): a reconstruction. Veröffentlichungen d. Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum, 86, 91-118.
Selected international and national conference presentations
(T)... Talk, (P) ...Poster
[1] (P)Reiser, M., Scheiber, Th., Ostermann, M., Fügenschuh, B., Burger, U., (2017):Interactions between tectonics and hydrology: a case study of the Obernberg Lake (Tirol/Austria). Geo Alp 2017, Franzensfeste, Italien.
[2] (T) Ostermann, M., Koltai, G., Spötl, Ch., Cheng, H., (2016): Speleothems date the onset of DSGSDs in crystallinerocks (Vinschgau, South Tyrol). GeoTirol 2016, Innsbruck, Österreich.
[3] (P) Ostermann, M., Koltai, G., Spötl, Ch., Cheng, H., (2016): Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the Vinschgau (northern Italy) and their association with springs and speleothems. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[4] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2015): Structurally controlled 'teleconnection' of large-scale mass wasting (Eastern Alps). EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[5] (P) Tran, H., Ostermann, M., Sanders, D. (2015): Petrifaction of wood by calcium carbonate mineralization: Examples from spring-associated limestones of the Eastern Alps. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[6] (T) Ostermann, M., (2015): Tiroler Bergstürze in Raum und Zeit. AGAQU 2015, Kolsass, Österreich.
[7] (P) Ostermann, M., (2015):Characteristics of some major rockslides in South Tyrol. Geo Alp 2015, Franzensfeste, Italien.
[8] (T) Ostermann, M., (2105): Characterisation, dating and impacts of two Holocene rockslide clusters in the Eastern Alps - The Fernpass Cluster and the Brenner Pass Cluster. XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan.
[9] (T) Ostermann, M., Dufresne, A.(2015):Rockslide dams in the European Alps. GeoBerlin 2015, Berlin, Deutschland.
[10] (P) Ostermann, M., Gruber, A., (2014): The major mass movements of the Western Dolomites. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[11] (T) Ostermann, M., (2014): From DSGSDs to Rock Avalanches – Examples from the Brenner Pass Rockslide Cluster. DEUQUA Conference, Innsbruck, Österreich.
[12] (T) Ostermann, M., (2014):The Brenner Pass Rockslide Cluster – Characterisation, Dating and Geomorphologic Impacts. Third Slope Tectonics Conference, Trondheim, Norwegen.
[13] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Ivy‐Ochs, S., Rockenschaub, M., (2013): The rock avalanche in Obernberg valley (Tyrol, Austria): Characteristics and age. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[14] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2012): Post‐glacial rockslides in a 200x130 km area of the Alps: characteristics, ages, and uncertainties. ISL/NASL 11th International & 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Kanada.
[15] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Ivy‐Ochs, S., Alfimov, V., (2011): Cosmogenic nuclide dating of catastrophic rockslides/rock avalanches in Tyrol (Austria) compared with other dating methods. ESF Research Conference on Cosmogenic Nuclides, Obergurgl, Österreich.
[16] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2011): At least 500 post‐glacial catastrophic rockslides/rock avalanches in the Alps: Is there a message? EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[17] (P) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Alfimov, V., (2011): Cosmogenic nuclide dating of rockslides/rock avalanches compared with other dating methods. XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Schweiz.
[18] (T) Ostermann, M., Prager, Ch., Zangerl, Ch., (2011): Time‐dependent rock slope weakening processes: evidence from dated landslides in the Eastern Alps. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[19] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2011): More than 500 catastrophic rockslides/rock avalanches in the Alps ‐ Results from age dating and GIS‐analysis. 2nd Slope Tectonics Conference, Wien, Österreich.
[20] (P) Sanders, D., Ostermann, M., (2011): From late-Glacial aggradation to Holocene incision of talus: Examples from the Northern Calcareous Alps. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[21] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2010): ‘Clustered’ Holocene rockslides/rock avalanches in Tyrol (Austria). DEUQUA Conference, Greifswald, Deutschland.
[22] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2010): Geology of two major rockslides in the vicinity of the planned Brenner Base Tunnel trace: The Pfitsch rockslide & the Stilfes rockslide. Brenner Congress 2010, Innsbruck, Österreich.
[23] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2010): Proxy‐dating the Tschirgant rockslide event with the U/Th method. EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich.
[24] (T) Ostermann, M., Sanders, D., (2010): Different approaches to age‐date catastrophic rockslide events: Radiocarbon, Surface Exposure, and U/Th. PANGEO Austria, Leoben, Österreich.