ISSN: 00167800
Erscheinungsjahr: 1993
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PDF <1> Avram, Emil; Gradinaru, Eugen
A Peculiar Upper Valanginian Cephalopod Fauna from the Carpathian Bend (Codlea Town Area, Romania): Biostratigraphic and Paleobiogeographic Implications
PDF <2> Cernajsek, Tillfried; Pošmourný, Karel
Historische geologische Karten vom Gebiet der Tschechischen Republik (Böhmen, Mähren und Österreichisch Schlesien) bis zum Jahre 1918 als Quellen bedeutender wissenschaftlicher Informationen
PDF <3> Ctyroky, Pavel
Das Tertiär der Böhmischen Masse in Südmähren
PDF <4> Häusler, Hermann; Plašienka, Dušan; Polák, Milan
Comparison of Mesozoic Successions of the Central Eastern Alps and the Central Western Carpathians
PDF <5> Hladil, Jindrich; Cejchan, Petr; Sedlak, Roman
Former Structures of Rocks Discernible by Image Analysis
PDF <6> Hladil, Jindrich; Helesicova, Katerina; Hrubanova, Jiskra; Müller, Pavel; Ures, Martin
Devonian Island Elevations under the Scope: Central Europe, Basement of the Carpathian Mountains in Moravia
PDF <7> Hladilova, Sarka; Hladikova, Jana
Paleoecology and Isotopic Analysis of Eggenburgian Molluscs from the SW Part of the Carpathian Foredeep in Moravia (Czech Republic)
PDF <8> Hovorka, Dusan; Spisiak, Jan
Mesozoic Volcanic Activity of the Western Carpathian Segment of the Tethyan Belt: Diversities in Space and Time
PDF <9> Kozur, Heinz
First evidence of Pseudofurnishius (Conodonta) in the Triassic of Hungary
PDF <10> Kozur, Heinz
The Problem of the Lower Triassic Subdivision and some Remarks to the Position of the Permian-Triassic Boundary
PDF <11> Krešl, Milan; Klecka, Milan; Vankova, Vera
Radon in Soils Overlaying Several Tectonic Zones of the South Bohemian Moldanubicum
PDF <12> Kriz, Jiri; Dufka, Pavel; Jaeger, Hermann; Schönlaub, Hans Peter
The Wenlock/Ludlow Boundary in the Prague Basin (Bohemia)
PDF <13> Mandl, Gerhard W.; Ondrejickova, Anna
Radiolarien und Conodonten aus dem Meliatikum im Ostabschnitt der Nördlichen Kalkalpen (Österreich)
PDF <14> Patocka, Frantisek; Vlasimsky, Pavel; Blechova, Katerina
Geochemistry of Early Paleozoic Volcanics of the Barrandian Basin (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic): Implications for Paleotectonic Reconstructions
PDF <15> Rajlich, Petr; Sokol, Adolf; Kadounova, Zdenka
Archean Crust as a Source of Common Lead in the Bohemian Massif
PDF <16> Rakus, Milos
Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Phylloceratids from the Salzkammergut (Northern Calcareous Alps)
PDF <17> Rakus, Milos; Lobitzer, Harald
Early Liassic Ammonites from the Steinplatte-Kammerköhralm Area (Northern Calcareous Alps/Salzburg)
PDF <18> Siblik, Milos
Lower Liassic Brachiopods from the Steinplatte-Kammerköhralm Area near Waidring (Northern Calcareous Alps, Salzburg)