12. Internationales Erbe Symposium
Das kulturelle Erbe in den Geowissenschaften, Bergbau und Metallurgie Bibliotheken, Archive, Sammlungen
Beiträge / Kurzfassungen
30. September - 4. Oktober 2013
ISSN: 1017-8880
Seiten: 152
B. Baumgarten, Kustatscher, E. & Hauser, Ch.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Artikel in PDF-Format sind kostenlos downloadbar!
PDF <1> Zingerle, Vito
Grußwort des Direktors des Naturmuseums Südtirol
PDF <2> Seifert, Peter
Grußworte des Direktors der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
PDF <3> Hauser, Christoph
In memoriam Berngard FRITSCHER (1954-2013)
PDF <4> Kühn, Peter
In memoriam Peter KRÜGER (1934-2012)
PDF <5> Angetter, Daniela; Hubmann, Bernhard
“K & K War Geologists” and Combat Mission at the Southern Front during World War I
PDF <6> Angetter, Daniela; Schramm, Josef-Michael
Engineering geological aspects of subsurface warfare in the high alpine rock and ice regions of Tyrol during World War I
PDF <7> Biedermann, Alexander; Gangl, Georg
From “Shocklines” to “Isoseismals”: The earthquake of Ljubljana in Slovenia in 1895 leads to the practical application of the macroseismic method in the last years of Austria-Hungary monarchy
PDF <8> Car, Joze; Peljhan, Martina; Dizdarevič, Tatjana
Conditions in the Idrija Mercury Mine at the end of the 16th Century and Measures for its Restoration
PDF <9> Celkova, Maria
Relationships between Tyrol and Banská Štiavnica in the second half of the 18th Century, by example of
Architect Josef PIRCKER (PIRCHER) acting between 1764 and 1790 in the city and its vicinity acting
PDF <10> Cernajsek, Tillfried; Kukal, Zdeněk; Opletal, Mojmir; Pošmourný, Karel
On the death of Univ.-Doz. Dr. Ivan CICHA (1932 – 2013)
PDF <11> Escamilla-Gonzalez, Francisco Omar
Andres Manuel DEL RIO’s (1764 – 1849) Translation of LANGSDORF’s Hydraulik, Freiberg, 1790
PDF <12> Fasching, Gerhard L.
Thematic Military Maps as Sources of Geoscientific Research
PDF <13> Franz, Inge
Franz von BAADER's (1765 – 1841) Conception of Evolution in the Context of Contemporary Earth Sciences
PDF <14> Gstrein, Peter
About prehistoric Mining in Tyrol
PDF <15> Habashi, Fathi
Cultural Heritage on Postage Stamps
PDF <16> Hamilton, Margret
The Notebooks require 1,25 running meters: An overview of the records from Friedrich BECKE (1855 – 1931)
PDF <17> Hamilton, Margret; Pertlik, Franz
Rudolf GÖRGEY VON GÖRGÖ UND TOPORCZ (1886 – 1915): A pioneer in studying the Central European salt deposits
PDF <18> Hammer, Peter
From Beryl to Beryllium
PDF <19> Hammer, Vera M. F.; Pertlik, Franz
Hans LEITMEIER (1885 – 1967) - academic teacher, scientist and collector at the turn from analytic to experimental mineralogy
PDF <20> Hauser, Christoph; Escamilla-Gonzalez, Francisco Omar
11th Erbe Symposium at Mexico-City, Pachuca and Real del Monte, 2011 (report)
PDF <21> Hofmann, Thomas
Geohistoric Activities of the Geological Survey of Austria in 2013 - an Overview
PDF <22> Jontes, Günther
Leoben and its Relations to Alpine Salt Mining
PDF <23> Jontes, Lieselotte
Women in Mines - Visitors, Workers, Students
PDF <24> Kamenicky, Miroslav
Travelogues as Sources for the History of Mining in the Central Slovak Mining Area in the 17th Century
PDF <25> Kasiarova, Elena; Hauser, Christoph; Lerud-Heck, Joanne; Konecny, Peter
Archival traces Giovanni Antonio SCOPOLIs (1723 – 1788) in the Central State Mining Archives in Banská Štiavnica - A documentary overview commemorating Dr. Donata BRIANTA
PDF <26> Klemun, Marianne
The First Natural History Collections at the University of Vienna in the 18th Century and the “Training of the Imagination through the Study of Natural History”
PDF <27> Kolbantsev, Leonid R.
Collections of Geological Museums as a historic-cultural phenomenon
PDF <28> Kozak, Jan
Pictorial collection of pre-photo images of dynamical Earth‘ manifestation
PDF <29> Kühn, Peter
About the GEO-Libraries in Berlin - Germany
PDF <30> Labuda, Jozef
Current results of the archaeological research of the mining locality Staré Mesto (Glanzenberg) in Banská Štiavnica
PDF <31> Lacen Benedicic, Irena
Ironworks settlement Stara Sava in Jesenice
PDF <32> Leitner, Ulrike
Alexander VON HUMBOLDT's chemical experiments on the Mexican amalgamation of silver
PDF <33> Lobitzer, Harald; Siblik, Milos
News on the Biography of Friedrich SIMONY (1813 – 1896) from his Birth Matriculation
PDF <34> Malakhova, Irena G.
Information Technology in the History of Geology: the First Russian Experience
PDF <35> Minina, Elena; Bryanchaninova, Natalya
Lydia PROKHOROVA’s Minerals Collection (19th - 20th Century) in Vernadsky State Geological Museum
PDF <36> Mironenko, Olga
Petr CHIKHACHEV (1808-1890) – the creator of the first geological map of the Altai region (Russia)
PDF <37> Mugerli, Marko
Owner of Sava ironworks
PDF <38> Oder, Karla
Mother Factory (Ironworks Ravne, Koroška)
PDF <39> Partsch, Erich Wolfgang
Bergreihen - an ambigious vocal music genre
PDF <40> Pertlik, Franz
A contribution to the historical development of crystallography: A collection of relevant scientific curiosities from the 18th and 19th century
PDF <41> Pertlik, Susanne; Pertlik, Franz
Geowissenschafter aus der Habsburger-Monarchie als Mitglieder der Kaiserlich-Leopoldino-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher (Sektionen Mineralogie, Kristallographie, Petrologie, Geologie und Paläontologie)
PDF <42> Pflug, Norbert; Thalheim, Klaus
The Historic Iron Ore Mining in the Eastern Erzgebirge in the Mirror of Archives and Collections
PDF <43> Pošmourný, Karel
General information about the international project „Geological mapping in Central Europe in the 18th and early 19th centuries“ (Visegrad Fund)
PDF <44> Punz, Wolfgang
Legacy of mining industry: Metalliferous sites in the Eastern Alps and their vegetation
PDF <45> Que, Weimin; Dai, Xiangyi; Xu, Min; Liu, Weiguo
World Heritage Perspective on Wenzhou Alum Mine in Zhejiang Province, P.R. China
PDF <46> Sanchez-Reyes, Gabriela
Religious Art and Brotherhoods in 18th Century Mining District of Sultepec, Mexico
PDF <47> Seidl, Johannes
About Testament and the Estate of Documents of Ami BOUE (1794 – 1881)
PDF <48> Thalheim, Klaus
Minerals and Rocks in the Electoral Art Chamber in Dresden
PDF <49> Vetters, Wolfgang
Weather, Climate and Volcanoes – Two historic mega-eruptions in the Antipodes and their impact on Europe
PDF <50> Weiss, Sandra B.
Ami BOUE (1794 – 1881) - and the Geosciences in Austria
PDF <51> Zhivaikina, Elena
Rocks from South Tyrol and Italy in collections of petrographic thin sections of the CHERNYSHEV geological museum in Saint-Petersburg
PDF <52> Hauser, Christoph
Appendix / Anhang: List of authors
PDF <53> Hauser, Christoph