PANGEO Austria 2022 – Abstracts and Field guides – 10.–14. September 2022, Montanuniversität Leoben.
ISSN: 1017-8880
Seiten: 257
G. Rantitsch & J.G. Raith (Eds.)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Artikel in PDF-Format sind kostenlos downloadbar!
PDF <1> Aghayeva, Vusala; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.; van Baak, Chris G. C.; Bayramova, Shafag; Ćorić, Stjepan; Vincent, Stephen J.
Chemostratigraphy of the Cenozoic succession in Azerbaijan: Implications for petroleum systems in the Caspian Basin
PDF <2> Ajuaba, Stephen; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.; Bechtel, Achim; Galasso, Francesca; Groß, Doris; Misch, David; Schneebeli-Hermann, Elke
Controls on biomarker and carbon isotope patterns during the Toarcian anoxic event (Dormettingen section; Swabian Alb)
PDF <3> Ajuaba, Stephen; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.; Meier, Verena; Groß, Doris; Omodeo Sale, Silvia; Schnyder, Johann
Hydrocarbon potential of Permo-Carboniferous rocks (Weiach, Switzerland)
PDF <4> Akhverdiev, Allakhverdi
Geostatistical approaches to the prediction of sandy reservoir facies based on the analysis of elastic inversion results
PDF <5> Akhverdiev, Allakhverdi
Prediction of reservoir properties in carbonate and clastic sediments in the South Ural Foreland based on the results of elastic inversion
PDF <6> Akhverdiev, Allakhverdi; Aleynikov, Igor
Seismic data quality control based on semblance and envelope attribute analysis
PDF <7> Akhverdiev, Allakhverdi; Afanasenkov, Alexander; Lavrik, Alexander
Pore-pressure and geomechanical parameters prediction based on elastic inversion results
PDF <8> Altenberger, Florian; Wintzer, Niki E.; Krause, Joachim; Iglseder, Christoph; Raith, Johann G.
The Mallnock tungsten mineralization - Trace element evolution and geochronology (Gurktal Alps, Carinthia/Austria)
PDF <9> Amtmann, Johannes; Schmidbauer, Jacqueline; Wenighofer, Robert; Kink, Daniela; Gegenhuber, Nina
Forschungsprojekt GeoDrone: AI Workflow
PDF <10> Apoloner, Maria-Theresia
Seismic monitoring for deep geothermal projects in Austria
PDF <11> Arnhof, Michaela; Hilberg, Sylke; Winkler, Gerfried
Hydrochemische Charakterisierung von Blockgletscherquellen mit karbonatgesteinsdominiertem Einzugsgebiet (Beispiel Lantschfeld)
PDF <12> Bakker, Ronald J.
Fluid immiscibility at metamorphic conditions: experimental evidence of fluid inclusions
PDF <13> Baldermann, Andre; Han, Shujun; Abbott, April N.; Farkas, Juraj; Rafiei, Mehrnoush; Löhr, Stefan C.
A novel quantitative approach to sedimentary petrography: Next‐generation SEM‐EDS-based automated mineral mapping
PDF <14> Banasiak, Natalia; Bleibinhaus, Florian
High resolution seismic surveying of the Cheb Basin
PDF <15> Bandic, Ivica; Bauer, Helene; Decker, Kurt
Quantifying fracture intensity (P21 values) in drill cores of the Hauptdolomit Formation using digital image analysis (ImageJ)
PDF <16> Bauer, Helene; Wolfmayr, Mariella; Decker, Kurt
Phi_K Hautpdolomit: tiefenabhängige Porositäts- und Permeabilitätswerte eines bedeutenden Reservoirs für Kohlenwasserstoff- und geothermische Energiegewinnung
PDF <17> Baumann, Christian; Galan, Isabel; Sakoparnig, Marlene; Dietzel, Martin
Growth of brucite on portlandite crystal surfaces
PDF <18> Baumann, Christian; Raith, Johann G.; Paulick, Holger; Weibold, Julia; Auer, Christian; Stranzl, Christoph; Dietzel, Martin; Ebner, Fritz; Mali, Heinrich
Magnesite deposits in the Eastern Alps - integrative approaches
PDF <19> Behm, Michael; Cheng, Feng; Kusnirak, David
MASW imaging from shallow seismic reflection data
PDF <20> Bensing, Joel P.; Misch, David; Skerbisch, Lukas; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.; Hujer, Wolfgang
What’s old is new again: can old, unpreserved core be used for modern seal rock characterisation?
PDF <21> Bensing, Joel P.; Misch, David; Skerbisch, Lukas; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.
Calcite dissolution in claystones treated with brine and hydrogen: implications for underground hydrogen storage caprock integrity
PDF <22> Bernabe, Egon; Tropper, Peter
Mineral chemical evolution of metapelites along the prograde Eoalpine metamorphic field gradient in the southern Ötztal Complex (Vinschgau, S-Tyrol, Italy)
PDF <23> Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor; Gopon, Phillip; Foltyn, Krzysztof; Soster, Ales; Ellmies, Rainer; Melcher, Frank
More than meets the eye: investigating critical elements in sulfides from different ore deposit types
PDF <24> Bleibinhaus, Florian; Trabi, Bernd
Source time functions and interference from blast arrays
PDF <25> Bokelmann, Götz; Meier, Thomas; Kolinsky, Petr; Lenhardt, Wolfgang; Jia, Yan
The AdriaArray project
PDF <26> Burmester, Gordon; Zekiri, Fatime; Jurcic, Hrvoje; Jones, Andrew; Arnold, Pit; Ott, Holger
A novel upscaling workflow of multi-phase flow properties for water-, and mixed-wet reservoirs - applications for conventional hydrocarbon field developments and low-carbon business
PDF <27> Cheng, Feng; Xia, Jianghai; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan B.; Behm, Michael; Zhou, Changjiang; Dai, Tianyu; Xi, Chaoqiang; Pang, Jingyin; Zhou, Changwei
Passive seismic methods for geothermal exploration: A case study from the Jinqu Basin (China)
PDF <28> Dangwal, Deepankar; Behm, Michael; Chen, Xiaowei; Soreghan, Gerilyn
Passive seismic imaging of bedrock depth and sediment fill of an alpine valley in the Colorado Plateau (US)
PDF <29> Dax, Florian; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard; Tari, Gabor
The central Styrian Basin (Gnas Subbasin): Structure and stratigraphy revealed by seismic and borehole data
PDF <30> Dietrich, Valentina; Melcher, Frank
Towards an analytical proof of origin for natural graphite
PDF <31> Dollinger, Sabrina; Melcher, Frank; Marousek, Lukas; Elmer, Simone; Nußbacher, Hanspeter
Sekundärminerale in Pb-Zn-Lagerstätten und Ermittlung der Elementgehalte am Beispiel der Halden in Bleiberg, Kärnten
PDF <32> Eder, Theresa Emely; Miesebner, Lucia; Dietzel, Martin; Hippler, Dorothee
Recent to past record of lacustrine chalk deposition and diagenesis in Weissensee (Carinthia, Austria)
PDF <33> Eder, Thomas
Erdwärmenutzung am Beispiel von Erdwärmesonden in der Steiermark
PDF <34> Eichinger, Stefanie; Boch, Ronny; Leis, Albrecht; Dietzel, Martin
Formation processes and prevention strategies of scale deposits in tunnel drainage systems
PDF <35> Eichkitz, Christoph Georg; Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor; Arndt, Dirk; Madritsch, Herfried; Spillmann, Thomas; Merz, Kaspar; Hölker, Andreas
Unterschiede in der Störungskartierung von potentiellen Endlagern aufgrund alternativer seismischer Processingvolumen
PDF <36> Eichkitz, Christoph Georg; Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor; Heine, Erwin; Hauer, Christoph; Golja, Marina
Anwendung von hochauflösenden Sub-Bottom Profiling Daten zur Darstellung seichtliegender Sedimente in Flüssen und Staubecken
PDF <37> Epov, Alexander V.; Chernonozhkin, Stepan M.; Puschenreiter, Markus; Tognacchini, Alice; Meisel, Thomas C.; Prohaska, Thomas; Irrgeher, Johanna
Assessing analytical methods for high precision Ni isotopic analysis in rhizosphere samples from Ni hyperaccumulating plants
PDF <38> Fachathaler, Patrick; Misch, David; Zhang, Chi; Behm, Michael; Scholger, Robert; Kusnirak, David; Malone, Ethan
Hydrogeophysical survey in the St. Ilgener valley revealing subsurface structure and groundwater pathways
PDF <39> Feichtinger, Iris; Guinot, Guillaume; Pollerspöck, Jürgen; Auer, Gerald; Ćorić, Stjepan; Kranner, Matthias; Harzhauser, Mathias
Shark diversity at the K/Pg boundary in Austria - A tale of extinction and hidden survival
PDF <40> Fernández, Óscar; Ortner, Hugo; Sanders, Diethard; Grasemann, Bernhard; Leitner, Thomas
A new proposal for the Middle-Late Triassic paleogeography and tectonic evolution of the central Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria)
PDF <41> Fritz, Ingomar
Erdwissenschaftliche Angebote für Schulen im Schuljahr 2022/2023
PDF <42> Fritz, Ingomar; Habacher, Michael; Mauritsch, Hermann; Paar, Steve
Pharos - ein Einstiegsportal in das Datenarchiv des Geologisch-Mineralogischen Landesdienstes Steiermark
PDF <43> Fritz, Harald; Nievoll, Josef; Gallhofer, Daniela; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Gritsch, Bernadette; Pfatschbacher, Michael; Krenn, Kurt; Karner-Rühl, Kevin; Haas, Isabella; Eichinger, Stefanie
The Eastern Greywacke Zone - a 400 Ma story from Gondwana decay to Alpine assembly
PDF <44> Fuchs, Florian
Distributed acoustic sensing: opportunities, challenges, and data highlights from railway installations in Austria
PDF <45> Gartner, Veronika; Melcher, Frank; Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor
Spurenelemente in Zinkblenden aus der Blei-Zink-Lagerstätte Raibl
PDF <46> Gebhardt, Holger; Schenk, Bettina; Enge, Annekatrin; Ćorić, Stjepan; Ranftl, Eva-Maria; Heinz, Petra
The Lower-Middle Miocene transition (Karpatian-Badenian) in the Krems Embayment (Central Paratethys)
PDF <47> Genser, Caroline; Schilcher, Patricia; Auer, Gerald; Dietzel, Martin; Hippler, Dorothee
Wulka catchment hydrogeochemistry and the formation of Ca-Mg carbonate minerals in Lake Neusiedl
PDF <48> Geringer, Annika; Rohrhofer, Sandro; Melcher, Frank; Reitner, Heinz; Benold, Christian; Schuster, Ralf; Auer, Christian; Paulick, Holger; Grasemann, Bernhard; Hubmann, Bernhard; Large, Duncan
SEDEX deposits in the Graz Paleozoic - investigations to the exploration potential with the Arzberg deposit as calibration region
PDF <49> Gopon, Phillip; Douglas, James; Jenkins, Benjamin; Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor; Xie, Zhuojun; Felfer, Peter
Hidden in plain sight: using Atom Probe Tomography to understand the formation of invisible gold deposits in North American, China, and Europe
PDF <50> Greenwood, Andrew; Hetényi, György; Pasiecznik, Damian; Baron, Ludovic; Banasiak, Natalia; Bleibinhaus, Florian; Scholger, Robert; Caspari, Eva
Applied geophysics in Phase 1 of the Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE (DIVE) project
PDF <51> Grengg, Cyrill; Rudic, Ognjen; Hofrichter, Magdalena; Steindl, Florian; Wohlmuth, Dominik; Dietzel, Martin; Mittermayr, Florian
Metallurgic slag-based geopolymer materials in the circular economy
PDF <52> Griesmeier, Gerit E. U.; Reitner, Jürgen M.
Preliminary geological maps of Quaternary units in Austria 1:500,000 and 1:1,500,000
PDF <53> Gruber, Wilfried
Rock typing for reservoir prediction - a frequently misunderstood concept
PDF <54> Haas, Isabella; Kurz, Walter; Gallhofer, Daniela; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Skrzypek, Etienne
The Austroalpine Schladming Nappe - a key area revealing the pre-Alpine evolution of the Eastern Alps
PDF <55> Haas, Isabella; Kurz, Walter; Gallhofer, Daniela; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Skrzypek, Etienne; Fritz, Harald
The Permo-Mesozoic cover sediments of the Seckau-Schladming nappe system and their provenance - a detrital zircon story
PDF <56> Haas, Johannes; Birk, Steffen; Retter, Alice; Griebler, Christian
Ein integrativer Überblick über die Grundwasserqualität im Murtal: Von der Quelle bis zur slowenischen Grenze
PDF <57> Harzhauser, Mathias; Kranner, Matthias; Piller, Werner E.; Strauss, Philipp; Siedl, Wolfgang
Integrated stratigraphy of the Vienna Basin - data, concepts, paradigms
PDF <58> Harzhauser, Mathias; Weber, Gerhard; Lukeneder, Alexander; Mitteroecker, Philipp; Wurm, Lisa; Hollaus, Lisa M.; Haack, Fabian; Antl-Weiser, Walpurga; Kern, Anton
The oolite of the Venus from Willendorf - microstructure and provenance
PDF <59> Hassler, Jannis; Groß, Doris; Guedes de la Cruz, Gema; Piribauer, Christoph J.; Schubert, Carsten
Analysis of alteration effects of lignite-containing soil samples
PDF <60> Harzhauser, Mathias; Borzi, Arthur; Piller, Werner E.; Strauss, Philipp; Siedl, Wolfgang
Rise and demise of the Paleo-Danube delta during the late Miocene (Vienna Basin, Austria)
PDF <61> Heberer, Bianca; Salcher, Bernhard; Dunkl, István; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard; Wagreich, Michael; Wessely, Godfrid
An Oligocene to Miocene cooling pulse in the easternmost Alps detected by thermochronology - a result of thrust tectonics and/or deep mantle processes?
PDF <62> Hilberg, Sylke
Digitale Lernspiele als interaktiver Einstieg in den Geologie-Unterricht
PDF <63> Hiller, Jasmin Mareen; Gopon, Phillip; Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor
A green future from a contenious past: gold and critical metals in the historic arsenic mining district Strassegg (Styria)
PDF <64> Hintersberger, Esther
The HIKE European Fault Data Base: The interplay of structured data with Linked Data
PDF <65> Hinterwirth, Simon; Pomella, Hannah; Burger, Ulrich; Ortner, Hugo
3D-modelling of the Hochstegen Formation of the western Tauern Window at the Brenner Pass
PDF <66> Hofmann, Christa-Charlotte; Sachse, Markus; Huet, Benjamin
Pollen assemblages of subhumid and sclerophyllous plants and intrazonal water plants revealed by SEM pollen analysis of mid-Miocene deposits of Entrischenbrunn (Bavaria, Germany)
PDF <67> Hollinetz, M. Sophie; Huet, Benjamin; Schneider, David A.; McFarlane Chris R. M.; Rantitsch, Gerd; Grasemann, Bernhard
Thermodynamic modeling and in situ U-Th-Pb geochronology constrain polymetamorphism and a large Eo-Alpine metamorphic gap between the Koralpe-Wölz and Drauzug-Gurktal nappe systems (Austroalpine Unit, Eastern Alps, Austria)
PDF <68> Hornek, Katrin; Lappe, Kira; Wagreich, Michael
Art and geology - anthropogenic strata and latent soils of Vienna
PDF <69> Hörfarter, Christine
Stratigraphy in Web 3.0 - Advantages of a controlled vocabulary for stratigraphic units
PDF <70> Hörfarter, Christine; Haider, Viktoria
Digital dissemination of geological information - Recent insights into the geoinformation bubble
PDF <71> Hubmann, Bernhard; Melcher, Andreas; Unterweger, Ursula
Die Klientel der BIUK-Studierenden: einige Querschnittsbetrachtungen
PDF <72> Huet, Benjamin; Iglseder, Christoph; Schuster, Ralf
A lithostratigraphic model for the Western Greywacke Zone and the Innsbruck Quarzphyllite Zone (Eastern Alps, Tirol, Salzburg, Austria)
PDF <73> Huet, Benjamin; Schneider, David A.; Rantitsch, Gerd; Frank, Wolfgang
Coupling in situ U-Th-Pb REE-epidote geochronology and thermodynamic forward modelling of main and REE-bearing phases: An example from the Tauern Window
PDF <74> Hutter, Florian; Raith, Johann G.
Tungsten mineralisation and intrusive rocks at Lienzer Schlossberg, East Tyrol
PDF <75> Iglseder, Christoph; Reiser, Martin
Lithostratigraphy and lithodemy in metasedimentary rocks of the Austroalpine - New insights from the Stangalm-Brenner Mesozoics (Ötztal-Bundschuh Nappe System, Austria)
PDF <76> Iglseder, Christoph; Bryda, Gerhard; Ćorić, Stjepan; Skrzypek, Etienne; Gallhofer, Daniela; Huet, Benjamin
U/Pb zircon ages on tuff in the Aflenz Basin (Styria/ Austria) - Evidence for Middle Miocene widespread volcanic deposits
PDF <77> Iglseder, Christoph; Rantitsch, Gerd; Stumpf, Sebastian; Skrzypek, Etienne; Schuster, Ralf; Huet, Benjamin
An adapted tectonic model for the “Central and Eastern Greywacke Zone” - new geochronological and RSCM-data (Styria/Austria)
PDF <78> Jamaluddin; Wagreich, Michael; Xinxuan, Xiang; Umar, Emi Prasetyawati
Organic geochemical characterization of Miocene shale in Lower the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
PDF <79> Jawecki, Christine; Weil, Jonas; Bauer, Moritz; Lappe, Kira
3D Ground Model of Vienna: from geological concept to geotechnical application
PDF <80> Jud, Markus; Eichkitz, Christoph Georg; Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor; Binder, Heinz
Festgesteinsseismik in Metamorphiten
PDF <81> Kainz, Simon; Wagner, Thomas; Krainer, Karl; Avian, Michael; Olefs, Marc; Haslinger, Klaus; Winkler, Gerfried
A thermokarst-related debris flow event at an active rock glacier in the Ötztal Alps (Tyrol, Austria)
PDF <82> Karner-Rühl, Kevin; Hauzenberger, Christoph Anton; Skrzypek, Etienne; Fritz, Harald
Metamorphic evolution and geochronology of Variscan remnants in the Eastern Alps: the crystalline “Schollen” in the Greywacke Zone
PDF <83> Keller, Christoph; Le Heron, Daniel; Vandyk, Thomas M.
Who is who in the glacial forefield: a macro fabric-based classification of glacial landforms
PDF <84> Kojic, Ivan; Dojcinovic, Iljana; Stojanović, Ksenija
Preliminary study of copper(II) ions removal from wastewater using solid residue obtained by co-pyrolysis of lignite and high density polyethylene mixture
PDF <85> Kokimova, Ainur; Collenteur, Raoul; Birk, Steffen
Identification of recharge components and unknown stresses in alluvial aquifers using time series modelling
PDF <86> Konrad, Hermann Michael; Schmölzer, Karin
Der Felssturz von Pürgg - vom Ereignis bis zur Sicherung
PDF <87> Koukal, Veronika; Wagreich, Michael
An Introduction to the UNESCO International Geosciences Program IGCP 732 LANGUAGE of the Anthropocene
PDF <88> Koukal, Veronika; Wagreich, Michael; Eder, Lukas
Slope basin depositional model of the Paleogene Gosau Group of Gams on top of the incipient Eastern Alpine orogenic wedge (Austria)
PDF <89> Kranner, Matthias; Harzhauser, Mathias; Mandic, Oleg; Piller, Werner E.; Strauss, Philipp; Siedl, Wolfgang
Paleoenvironmental evolution of the Vienna Basin during the Miocene
PDF <90> Krishna, Shwetank; Thonhauser, Gerhard; Irfan, Sayed Ameenuddin; Keshavarz, Sahar
A robust technique to predict formation fracture pressure of North Sea-Volve oil field using petrophysical log data
PDF <91> Krobicki, Michal
Jurassic and Cretaceous phosphatic events and their palaeoceanographic significance during geotectonic evolution of the Pieniny Klippen Basin (Carpathians)
PDF <92> Le Heron, Daniel; Kettler, Christoph; Wawra, Arian; Schöpfer, Martin; Grasemann, Bernhard
The sedimentological death mask of a dying glacier
PDF <93> Leitner, Stefan
Fachfremder Unterricht in der Induktionsphase: Eine Herausforderung für den Eintritt in den Lehrberuf?
PDF <94> Levi, Nicola; Diessl, Julia; Bruno, Mike; Nazari, Fatemeh; Roters, Bastian; Young, Jean
Preliminary results of the InStRikE project: risk-assessment of induced seismicity in geothermal fields
PDF <95> Levi, Nicola; Weissl, Michael; Decker, Kurt
Geodynamic remarks in the deep borehole TH1 (Vienna Basin)
PDF <96> Linner, Manfred; Iglseder, Christoph; Wegner, Wencke
Different ages of granitic blocks in the Waschberg-Ždánice Unit and Allochthonous Molasse as indication for Moldanubian and Moravian rocks in the Bohemian spur
PDF <97> Lontschar, Katrin; Mittermayr, Florian; Perez, Gloria; Dietzel, Martin; Galan, Isabel
Vanadium leaching from thermochromic cement
PDF <98> Lukeneder, Alexander; Lukeneder, Petra
Polzberg - Trias Konservat-Lagerstätte von Weltruf
PDF <99> Lukeneder, Petra; Lukeneder, Alexander; Fuchs, Dirk
Taphonomy of the total belemnoid fauna from the Polzberg Konservat-Lagerstätte (Upper Triassic, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)
PDF <100> Maier, Theresa; Villeneuve, Marlene
Physical and geomechanical characterization of volcanic rocks from Styria
PDF <101> Mair, Volkmar
Wissen um zu schützen - die Bedeutung einer detaillierten geologischen Karte für Gefahrenzonenplanung und Risikomanagement im alpinen Raum
PDF <102> Mali, Heinrich; Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor; Onuk, Peter; Schuster, Ralf; Knoll, Tanja
Spodumene pegmatite resource potential of Austria
PDF <103> Meier, Verena; Breitkreuz, Christoph; Groß, Doris; Ohser, Joachim
Perlitic textures in silica-rich rocks: Re-evaluation of volcanological and glass technical models
PDF <104> Melcher, Andreas; Unterweger, Ursula
Steinreiche Steiermark - Erdgeschichte begreifbar machen: Unterlagen für die Freilanddidaktik der Sekundarstufe I und II
PDF <105> Melcher, Frank
Alpine metallogensis - reloaded
PDF <106> Melcher, Frank
Blutdiamanten und Blutcoltan - der Handel mit Konfliktrohstoffen
PDF <107> Melcher, Frank; Feichter, Monika; Mali, Heinrich; Grill, Hans
Enigmatic corundum-rich rock from the central Tauern Window: metabauxite in the Habach Group?
PDF <108> Miesebner, Lucia; Müller, Martin; Friedl, Maria; Dietzel, Martin; Hippler, Dorothee
The Weissensee - A natural carbonate mineral factory
PDF <109> Misch, David; Skerbisch, Lukas; Drews, Michael; Körmös, Sandor; Liu, Bo; Siedl, Wolfgang; Vranjes-Wessely, Sanja; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard
New approaches to predict top seal integrity of geological reservoirs: Case study examples from the Vienna Basin
PDF <110> Misch, David; Vranjes-Wessely, Sanja; Kiener, Daniel
Nanoindentation: A new workflow for spatially-resolved micromechanical investigations on sedimentary organic matter
PDF <111> Misch, David; Zhang, Penglin; Liu, Shiju; Vranjes-Wessely, Sanja
Shale oil enrichment: Insights from combined organic geochemical, petrophysical and petrographical observations
PDF <112> Mohideen, Alina; Grasemann, Bernhard; Madritsch, Herfried; Decker, Kurt
Quantifying shear strain of a potential halite detachment below the Swiss Eastern Tabular Jura
PDF <113> Moser, Michael; Wagreich, Michael
The stratotype of the Gutenstein Formation
PDF <114> Moser, Ulrike; Ceplak, Barbara; Aldrian, Alexia; Hocevar, Samo; Kralj, Polona; Prohaska, Thomas; Sala, Martin; Vollprecht, Daniel; Žibret, Gorazd; Irrgeher, Johanna
MURmap - Holistic geochemical tracking of elements and their sources in the Mur/Mura River Catchment
PDF <115> Mrdak, Milica; Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen; Dakovic, Martin; Đerić, Nevenka; Sudar, Milan
Drowning of the Ravni carbonate ramp and the overlying late Middle Anisian Bulog Formation in the Seljani area, Montenegro, Dinarides
PDF <116> Mrdak, Milica; Wegerer, Eva; Đerić, Nevenka; Dakovic, Martin; Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen
Explosive volcanism as precursor of the Julian “Carnica“ Event in northern Montenegro (Durmitor Mega-Unit)
PDF <117> Müller, Sophia; Misch, David; Skerbisch, Lukas; Shi, Xiangyun
Porosity - depth trends for Vienna Basin mudstones: Validation of broad ion beam - scanning electron microscopy as a seal prediction tool
PDF <118> Nachtmann, Wolfgang
Fossil fuels - or: There’s life in the old dogs yet, isn’t it?
PDF <119> Nasir, Asma; Hintersberger, Esther; Decker, Kurt
The temporal evolution of seismicity and variability of Gutenberg-Richter b-values along the Vienna Basin Transfer Fault System
PDF <120> Nasiri, Arash; Ravi, Krishna; Prohaska, Michael
Mono-energetic micro-computed tomography (μCT): A reliable potential alternative to mineral investigation of formation rock
PDF <121> Neuhuber, Stephanie; Salcher, Bernhard; Otto, Jan-Christoph; Payer, Thomas; Lüthgens, Christopher; Grupe, Sabine; Flores-Orozco, Adrián; Fiebig, Markus
Sediment deposition, regional uplift and local normal faulting recorded in the Danube terrace staircase of Vienna
PDF <122> Neuhuber, Stephanie; Thöny, Wolfgang; Fiebig, Markus
Numerical ages of Paleo-Danube sediments at the Vienna Gate quantify Quaternary uplift
PDF <123> Neuschitzer, David; Scheiblehner, David; Sprung, Andreas; Wibner, Stefan; Groß, Doris; Antrekowitsch, Helmut
Formation of intermediate decomposition products (PAHs) during methane pyrolysis in a liquid metal bubble column reactor
PDF <124> Niederl, Sandra; Felfer, Peter; Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor; Mottram, Catherine; Raith, Johann G.; Gopon, Phillip
Invisible metals for a green future: Au associated critical elements in historic mining districts Murtal (Styria)
PDF <125> Oettel, Lena; Eß, Lisa Maria; Tropper, Peter; Trebsche, Peter
Mineralchemische Provenienzuntersuchungen an Fahlerzen am prähistorischen Verhüttungsareal Kundl (Unterinntal, Tirol)
PDF <126> Oettel, Lena; Degenhart, Gerald; Tropper, Peter
Mikrocomputertomographische Untersuchungen an Blasen- und Plattenschlacken aus dem prähistorischen Verhüttungsplatz Kundl (Unterinntal, Tirol)
PDF <127> Oppenauer, Lisa; Flores-Orozco, Adrián; Weissl, Michael; Decker, Kurt
Paleoseismoloy of the Seyring Fault in the Vienna Basin (Austria)
PDF <128> Ortner, Hugo; Ganser, Christoph; Stipp, Michael; Fernández, Óscar
Deformation of a mountain-sized olistolith: Schwarzer Berg, Northern Calcareous Alps of Salzburg
PDF <129> Ortner, Hugo; Kilian, Sinah; Gruber, Alfred
Minibasins upside down - Salt tectonics in the Karwendel mountains, Northern Calcareous Alps of western Austria
PDF <130> Pasiecznik, Damian; Greenwood, Andrew; Bleibinhaus, Florian; Hetényi, György
A high-resolution seismic survey across the Balmuccia Peridotite, Ivrea Zone, Italy - Project DIVE
PDF <131> Piller, Werner E.
News from the International Commission on Stratigraphy
PDF <132> Piller, Werner E.; Friebe, J. Georg; Gross, Martin; Harzhauser, Mathias; van Husen, Dirk; Koukal, Veronika; Krenmayr, Hans-Georg; Krois, Peter; Nebelsick, James H.; Ortner, Hugo; Reitner, Jürgen M.; Roetzel, Reinhard; Rögl, Fred; Rupp, Christian; Stingl, Volkmar; Wagner, Ludwig; Wagreich, Michael
Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units of Austria (sedimentary successions)
PDF <133> Pittarello, Lidia; Fanesi, Emanuele; Kolitsch, Uwe; Giuli, Gabriele
The natural occurrence of native iron in basalt from Bühl near Weimar, Kassel, Germany: a new study based on historical samples
PDF <134> Plinninger, Ralf; Alber, Michael
Praxisorientierte Untersuchung und Klassifizierung anisotroper Festigkeitseigenschaften von Festgesteinen
PDF <135> Plinninger, Ralf; Frühwirt, Thomas; Mutschler, Thomas
Empfehlungen und Empfehlungsarbeit des AK 3.3 „Versuchstechnik Fels“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V.
PDF <136> Rabeder, Julia; Peresson, Mandana; Reitner, Heinz
Tonrohstoffforschung an der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
PDF <137> Ranftl, Eva-Maria; Roetzel, Reinhard; Hintersberger, Esther; Linner, Manfred
Evidence for a two-stage brittle tectonic evolution from fault analyses in the Horn Basin (SE Bohemian Massif)
PDF <138> Rantitsch, Gerd; Iglseder, Christoph; Schuster, Ralf; Huet, Benjamin; Linner, Manfred; Bryda, Gerhard; Reiser, Martin; Hollinetz, Sophie M.; Werdenich, Manuel
A thermometric database for the Eastern Alps based on Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material (2002-2022)
PDF <139> Ratz, Bettina; Baldermann, Andre; Stamm, Franziska M.
Formation and environmental significance of short-range order allophane hisingerite solid-solutions
PDF <140> Rinder, Thomas; Hilberg, Sylke
Forum Bergbau und Wasser - Hydrogeologische Begleitforschung zum Ende des Deutschen Steinkohlebergbaus - Hydrogeochemische Aspekte am Beispiel Anthrazitbergbau Ibbenbüren
PDF <141> Robl, Jörg; Stüwe, Kurt; Dremel, Fabian; Wetzlinger, Klaus; Liebl, Moritz; von Hagke, Christoph; Fabel, Derek
Landscape rejuvenation in the Bohemian Massif
PDF <142> Rogowitz, Anna; Schorn, Simon; Huet, Benjamin
Interaction of metamorphic and deformation processes in the Hohl eclogite body (Koralpe, Eastern Alps, Austria)
PDF <143> Sammer, Thomas; Ravi, Krishna; Raith, Johann G.
A fundamentals mineralogical investigation of downhole cements within the context of underground hydrogen storage
PDF <144> Sammer, Thomas; Nasiri, Arash; Feichter, Monika; Ravi, Krishna
Tackling challenges concerning the integrity of downhole cement/rock during underground gas storage: an interdisciplinary approach
PDF <145> Santitharangkun, Srett; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Skrzypek, Etienne; Gallhofer, Daniela
P-T-t Evolution of the Pongyang Gneiss, Inthanon Zone, NW-Thailand
PDF <146> Schattauer, Ingrid; Hintersberger, Esther; Ullrich, Christian; Supper, Robert; Motschka, Klaus
The usage of GIS edge-approximation tools on vintage aerogeophysical data with focus on fault interpretation
PDF <147> Schlögel, Ingrid; Apoloner, Maria-Theresia; Weginger, Stefan
Die „Geräusche der Erde“ rund um und im Traunsee - Projekt TiefenRausch
PDF <148> Schlögel, Ingrid; Hinterleitner, Alois; Honic, Meliha
Materialbestimmung von Gebäudeteilen mittels Ground Penetrating Radar
PDF <149> Schmalfuß, Clemens; Firla, Gustav; Lüthgens, Christopher; Neuhuber, Stephanie; Fiebig, Markus
Early results from the ICDP project DOVE (Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys): Revisiting the Hole of Bad Aussee
PDF <150> Schmidbauer, Jacqueline; Wenighofer, Robert; Schwager, Patrick; Amtmann, Johannes; Gegenhuber, Nina
Forschungsprojekt GeoDrone: Geotechnische und petrophysikalische Aspekte
PDF <151> Schnepp, Elisabeth; Engbers, Yael A.; Arneitz, Patrick; Egli, Ramon; Scholger, Robert; Ganerød, Morgan; Leonhardt, Roman; Biggin, Andrew J.
A Miocene polarity transition recorded in a volcanic section on St. Helena, South Atlantic
PDF <152> Schnepp, Elisabeth; Arneitz, Patrick; Ganerød, Morgan; Scholger, Robert; Egli, Ramon; Fritz, Ingomar; Leonhardt, Roman
Intermediate field directions recorded in Pliocene basalts in Styria (Austria): Evidence for cryptochron C2r.2r-1
PDF <153> Scholger, Robert; Cech, Brigitte
Geophysical prospection of the ancient gold mining region “Karth” in Lower Austria
PDF <154> Scholger, Robert; Fritz, Ingomar; Nell, Otto
Geophysical prospection of the Pliocene volcanic massif Königsberg‐Klöch in Southeast Styria (Austria)
PDF <155> Scholger, Robert; Sarc, Renato; Lorber, Karl; Reiselhuber, Karl
Geoelectric monitoring of irrigation experiments at the Rautenweg landfill (Vienna)
PDF <156> Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor
99 % der Erde sind heißer als 1.000 °C - Nutzen wir diese Energie
PDF <157> Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor; Eichkitz, Christoph Georg; Binder, Heinz; Hasni, Maha; Neuhold, Christina; Jara, Catherine; Jud, Markus; Schön, Jürgen; Wessely, Godfrid; Lüschen, Ewald; Sperl, Hanns; Garden, Mikael; Keglovic, Peter
Tiefe Geothermie Wien
PDF <158> Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor; Eichkitz, Christoph Georg; Binder, Heinz; Hasni, Maha; Neuhold, Christina; Schön, Jürgen; Wessely, Godfrid; Keglovic, Peter; Eckerstorfer, Helene; Kulich, Jakob; Götzl, Gregor; Leusbrock, Ingo; Ribas Tugores, Carles; O'Donovan, Keith; Falay, Basak; Haslinger, Edith; Auer, Renate; Friedrich, Robin; Heinemann, Gabor
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Vienna
PDF <159> Schreilechner, Marcellus Gregor; Wagner, Thomas; Dax, Florian; Binder, Heinz; Brandstätter, Jennifer; Winkler, Gerfried; Ferstl, Michael
Aktueller Wissenstand zum Aufbau des Weststeirischen Beckens
PDF <160> Schröttner, Martin
Vom Altbergbau zur Altlast, Blei- Zinkvererzung Schrems bei Frohnleiten
PDF <161> Schubert-Hlavac, Gerald; Mali, Heinrich; Schuster, Ralf; Steiner, Ralf; Rohrhofer, Sandro; Zahrl, Marcel Aaron; Sweda, Martin; Horvat, Christian; Knoll, Tanja
Prospecting for spodumene pegmatites by statistical evaluation of trace elements in magmatic muscovite
PDF <162> Schuller, Volker; Zámolyi, András; Dunkl, István; Schleder, Zsolt
Tectonic history of Hoop Fault Complex - Implications on fault transmissibility, Barents Sea/Norway
PDF <163> Schünemann, Vivian; Villeneuve, Marlene
Development of a demonstration project for the construction of a compressed air storage in existing disused mining galleries based on geonumerical modelling
PDF <164> Seelig, Magdalena; Kainz, Simon; Hausleber, Matthias; Obwegs, Maria; Eybl, Jutta; Winkler, Gerfried
Time series and trend analysis of Austrian springs
PDF <165> Shi, Xiangyun; Misch, David; Zak, Stanislav; Cordill, Megan; Kiener, Daniel
Nanoindentation mapping for determining representative mechanical parameters of clay matrix in mudstones: A new tool for top seal characterization
PDF <166> Simmons, Mike
Who needs geoscientists?: Career options in a time of energy transition
PDF <167> Skerbisch, Lukas; Misch, David; Drews, Michael; Stollhofen, Harald; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard; Arnberger, Klaus; Schuller, Volker; Zámolyi, András
Regional mudstone compaction trends in the Vienna Basin: Implications for potential geological storage leakage
PDF <168> Skrzypek, Etienne; Gallhofer, Daniela; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Haas, Isabella
U-Th-Pb geochronology and initial Pb composition of magmatic allanite by LA-MC-ICP-MS
PDF <169> Soto Bravo, Francisca; Zhang, Chi
Investigating pore coupling effects in near-surface environments using nuclear magnetic resonance
PDF <170> Stamm, Franziska M.; Baldermann, Andre; Hippler, Dorothee; Dietzel, Martin
Silicon isotope fractionation during the formation of amorphous (alumino)silicate phases
PDF <171> Sterba, Johannes H.
Combining NAA and best relative fit factors for provenancing
PDF <172> Strasser, Michael; Moernaut, Jasper; Daxer, Christoph; Oswald, Patrick; Fabbri, Stefano; Hammerl, Christa; Skapski, Jens; Weginger, Stefan
Updates from Lake Paleoseismology as contribution to improve seismic hazard assessment and awareness of secondary earthquake effects in Austria
PDF <173> Stumpf, Sebastian; Skrzypek, Etienne; Iglseder, Christoph; Stüwe, Kurt
U/Pb zircon, U/Pb allanite dating and petrology of the Ennstal Phyllite Zone (Eastern Alps)
PDF <174> Stüwe, Kurt
Zur Geschichte der Steirischen Landschaft
PDF <175> Tanner, Dieter
Data Mining - Rohstoffe der Zukunft!
PDF <176> Tari, Gabor
Geo-energy exploration along the Austrian-Hungarian border in the western Pannonian Basin
PDF <177> Theyer, Mario; Prandstätter, Lukas; Kuschnig, Gerhard; Decker, Kurt
Porosity and permeability of fractured Triassic carbonates forming the main ground water reservoirs of the 1st Vienna Water Main in the Schneeberg Massif (Lower Austria)
PDF <178> Trabi, Bernd; Bleibinhaus, Florian
Blast vibration prediction
PDF <179> Tropper, Peter; Gammel, Tina; Töchterle, Ulrike
Subduction in a vessel: petrology of eclogite-tempered ceramics from the Kiechlberg (Thaur, Tyrol)
PDF <180> Tropper, Peter; Krenn, Kurt; Weidinger, Johannes; Sanders, Diethard
Evidence for decreasing impact-evoked pressure (UHP) conditions during frictional fusion along different shear planes in the Tsergo Ri (Langtang Himal, Nepal) rockslide
PDF <181> Tropper, Peter; Krüger, Hannes; Hejny, Clivia; Wallner, Jasmin
Mineralogische Untersuchungen (XRD und DTA-TG) zur Zusammensetzung und zum Brennverhalten ausgewählter Tonproben hinsichtlich archäologischer Fragestellungen zur lokalen Keramikproduktion
PDF <182> Tropper, Peter; Strasser, Marlen; Hasler, Thomas
High-grade fluid/rock interactions in metapelites: theoretical and observed phase relations and the behavior of accessory phosphate phases in the Kottavattam charnockites (S-India)
PDF <183> von Hagke, Christoph; Frings, Kevin
Uplift and exhumation of the Alpine foreland
PDF <184> Wagensommer, Alexander; Tomelleri, Irene; Baumgarten, Benno; Kustatscher, Evelyn
Die Fossiliensammlung des Bozner Privatgelehrten Georg Gasser (1857-1931): Ziele und Aufbau einer historischen Sammlung
PDF <185> Wagner, Simon; Degenhart, Gerald; Tropper, Peter; Köchl, Roland; Gilg, Hans Albert
Modern garnet quality control: Micro-XRF and micro-computer tomographic investigations on Zillertal garnet raw products and jewellery pieces
PDF <186> Wagner, Simon; Fassmer, Kathrin; Tropper, Peter; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Zerobin, Bianca; Goldenberg, Gert; Gilg, Hans Albert
New P-T-t constraints on the metamorphic evolution of the garnet-chlorite schists from the Roßrugg (Zillertal core, Tauern Window, Tyrol): home of the Zillertal jewellery garnets
PDF <187> Wagreich, Michael
Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene
PDF <188> Wagreich, Michael; Pavlishina, Polina; Dochev, Docho; Koukal, Veronika
Stratigraphy of the Turonian-Coniacian boundary interval in the Gosau Group of Gams, Styria
PDF <189> Wallner, Daniela; Bertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor; Raith, Johann G.; Rantitsch, Gerd; Melcher, Frank; Ellmies, Rainer
Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the Dolostone Ore Formation, Kunene region, Namibia
PDF <190> Wan, Chengxiang; Song, Yan; Zhang, Chi; Jiang, Zhenxue
A study on the prediction of critical water saturation of shale when it has sealing capacity
PDF <191> Wedenig, Michael; Baldermann, Andre; Eder, Stefan; Dietzel, Martin
The CaO-MgO-CO₂-H₂O-organo system revisited: New insights from thermodynamic modelling of mineral phase transformations
PDF <192> Weilbold, Julia; Altenberger, Florian; Raith, Johann G.; Auer, Christian; Knoll, Tanja; Paulick, Holger; Schedl, Albert; Aupers, Karsten; Schmidt, Steffen; Krause, Joachim; Jasper, Berndt; Neinavaie, Hassan
A new tool for tungsten exploration - Application of scheelite fingerprinting to assess tungsten mineralization in the Eastern Alps, Austria
PDF <193> Weinmann, Anna E.; Koukousioura, Olga; Triantaphyllou, Maria V.; Langer, Martin R.
Cenozoic mass occurrences of larger benthic Foraminifera in the Mediterranean region: What can we learn from the current range expansion of Amphistegina lobifera?
PDF <194> Weissl, Michael; Flores-Orozco, Adrián; Decker, Kurt
Mapping active faults in the region of Vienna to minimize seismic risks associated with geothermal energy production
PDF <195> Werdenich, Manuel; Iglseder, Christoph; Linner, Manfred; Steinbichler, Mathias; Reiser, Martin; Huet, Benjamin
A model to access geochronological data for the Geological Survey of Austria
PDF <196> Werdenich, Manuel; Reitner, Heinz; Schuster, Ralf; Melcher, Frank; Rantitsch, Gerd; Mali, Heinrich
Investigation of occurrences of high-quality quartz mineral resources in south-eastern Austria: First results from the Rittis quartzite
PDF <197> Wohlschlägl, Ricarda; Le Heron, Daniel; Kettler, Christoph
From ice streams to meltwater channels: Detailed study of a vast ancient ice sheet of the LPIA in the Ennedi Plateau, Chad
PDF <198> Xiang, Xinxuan; Wei, Yingchun; Wang, Anmin; Cao, Daiyong; Ning, Shuzheng
Coal forming environment of low-rank coal seam in Sandaoling mining area, Turpan-Hami Basin
PDF <199> Yan, Yu; Misch, David; Wang, Min; Shi, Xiangyun; Skerbisch, Lukas; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard
Artifical maturation experiments on Qingshankou Formation shale: Porosity changes and implications for hydrocarbon expulsion behavior
PDF <200> Yousefi, Nicola; Rinder, Thomas; Hilberg, Sylke
The mine drainage from the spoil tip of a Bavarian pitch coal mine - a history of unmonitored natural attenuation
PDF <201> Zhang, Chi
The role of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance in critical zone research
PDF <202> Zhou, Zhenya; Caspari, Eva; Barbosa, Nicolas D.; Greenwood, Andrew; Holliger, Klaus
Fracture compliance estimation in crystalline rock masses from fullwaveform sonic data
PDF <203> Zoegl, Iris; Grengg, Cyrill; Mueller, Bernhard; Wedenig, Michael; Kluge, Tobias; Boch, Ronny; Dietzel, Martin
High-resolution spatiotemporal pH monitoring of coupled CO₂ degassing and CaCO₃ precipitation dynamics
PDF <204> Melcher, Frank; Pluch, Hannes; Galler, Robert
Die Sideritlagerstätte des Steirischen Erzberges
PDF <205> Bryda, Gerhard
Aflenzer Bürgeralm-Panorama-Straße - Ein spektakulärer Profilschnitt durch die Gesteine der Trias am Südrand der Mürzalpen-Decke (Nördliche Kalkalpen)
PDF <206> Mali, Heinrich
Die Magnesitlagerstätten von Oberdorf an der Laming
PDF <207> Mali, Heinrich; Schuster, Ralf; Knoll, Tanja; Huet, Benjamin
The Weinebene pegmatite deposit