Neuerscheinung: Berichte Band 111

Der Exkursionsführer „Field trips in the Eastern and Southern Alps (Austria, Italy)“ zur Tagung STRATI 2015 (2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy) vom 19.–23. Juli 2015 in Graz herausgegeben von Sylvain Richoz.



The Pre-Variscan sequence of the Carnic Alps
Carlo Corradini, Monica Pondrelli, Thomas J. Suttner & Hans Peter Schönlaub with contributions from Maria G. Corriga, Annalisa Ferretti, Erika Kido, Luca Simonetto & Claudia Spalletta

The vicinity of Graz: Upper Silurian to upper Carboniferous of the Graz Palaeozoic, upper Cretaceous of the Kainach Gosau and middle Miocene of Gratkorn
Bernhard Hubmann & Martin Gross

The Upper Triassic events recorded in platform and basin of the Austrian Alps. The Triassic/Jurassic GSSP and Norian/Rhaetian GSSP candidate
Sylvain Richoz & Leopold Krystyn

