
Library, Archive, Publishing Unit

The library of the Geological Survey of Austria is the largest library in Austria focussing on geosciences. It works as documentation center for geosciences with key aspects in Austria and the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Besides books and journals the focus lies on the collection of geological maps.

The library, a scientific specialized library, is open for the staff of the geological survey as well as for the interested public for free.

The publishing unit sells and announces publications from the Geological Survey of Austria. The bulk of publications is sent around by terms of (inter)national exchange to more than 500 libraries around the world. This script exchange is the most important base of the library inventory.

In the archive of the geological survey internal reports, survey reports and scripts are collected. Additionally the entire correspondence of the geological survey since its foundation on the 15th of November 1849, as “k.k. geologische Reichsanstalt” is kept here.

Another key aspect of the library are the materials of inheritances from deceased geologists. Hereby the amount of field books is noticeable. They contain valuable primary informations on scientific works, dating back to the 19th Century.

Library closed from 22.07. to 14.08.2024

Sale, library, map collection and scientific archive are open:

Mo to Th: 09:00 - 12:00
Mo, Th: 13:00 - 16:00
Fr: closed