
Abhandlungen Band 48

Historical Earthquakes in Central Europe.Monographs, Vol.I.

ISBN: 3900312834
Seiten: 109
R. Gutdeutsch, G. Grünthal & R. Musson
Erscheinungsjahr: 1992
Preis: € 15,00

Artikel in PDF-Format sind kostenlos downloadbar!

PDF <1> Eisinger, Ute; Gutdeutsch, Rudolf; Hammerl, Christa
Historical Earthquake Research - an Example of Interdisciplinary Cooperation between Geophysicists and Historians

PDF <2> Grunthal, Gottfried
The Central German Earthquake of March 6, 1872

PDF <3> Oeser, Erhard
Historical Earthquakes Theories from Aristoteles to Kant