Christoph Janda
Department » Public Relations
- Editor printed media
- Editor website
- Organization of monthly lectures at the survey
- Newsletter
- Knowledge management
Enrolment at the University of Vienna
Mapping work for OMV
Project Assistant at the Department of Geological Sciences (Prof. Hermann Haeusler). Participation in the following projects:
- Image Processing of an enhanced Landsat TM Mosaic for onshore exploration in Turkmenistan in 1998, OMV.
- Radar Satellite Study of the Kufrah Basin (Libya), 1999, OMV.
- Raphstreng Tsho Outburst Flood mitigatory Project (Lunana, Northwestern Bhutan) Phase II, 2000, Institute of Geology.
Graduation: Thesis: "Geologisch-fazielle Untersuchungen in der Lunzer Decke südwestlich von Weyer (Oberösterreich)"
Project Assistant at the Department of Geology of the University of Vienna within the framework of the FWF research project P 14129 "Active Tectonics in the Sutlej Valley (NW Himalaya, India) supervised by Prof. Bernhard Grasemann.
Employee at the Geological Survey of Austria in various projects
Editor for Geoinformation at the Geological Survey of Austria.
NEUMAYER, J., WIESMAYR, G., JANDA, C., DRAGANITS E. & GRASEMANN, G., (2004): Eohimalayan fold and thrust belt in the NW-Himalaya (Lingti-Pin Valley): Shortening and depth to detachment calculation. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 95/96, 28-36
DRAGANITS, E., GRASEMANN, B., JANDA, C. & WIESMAYR, G. (2004): Brief outline of the tectonic history of the NW Himalayas with emphasis on Spiti. Albertiana, 30, Supplement, 11-20
Relaunch website
Project management for the redesign of the website of the Geological Survey of Austria (2011–2013)
Editor of printed media (since 2010)
Editorial support of numerous print ed media
Creation of a 3D geological model of the southern Vienna Basin with the software GeoModeller
Geofast map sheet 118
Contribution to the creation of the manuscript map GEOFAST sheet 118 Innsbruck
BUWELA - Natural Hazards Bucklige Welt – Wechselland
Mapping of landslides, structural geology measurements and analyses
BBT - Brenner Base Tunnel
Geological mapping, generation of cross sections, preparation of geological maps in ArcGIS
Member of the Austrian Geological Society
Board of the Association GEOAUSTRIA