Sedimentary Geology
The main task of the geologists of the department of Sedimentary Geology is the scientific preparation of geological maps including explanatory notes in areas with predominantly sedimentary rocks. This mapping also comprises basic research in various fields.
Sedimentary geology deals with the formation and the conditions under which stratified rocks (sedimentary rocks) were formed. Furthermore it focuses on their composition (lithology), age and time line (stratigraphy) as well as on their structural conditions and tectonic development.
The main task of the geologists of the department of Sedimentary Geology is the scientific preparation of geological maps including explanatory notes in areas with predominantly sedimentary rocks. This mapping also comprises basic research in various fields.
In this department several specialists for calcareous rocks in alpine areas, sediments in geologically younger basin and lowland areas (e.g. “Alpenvorland”, Vienna Basin) as well as the youngest quaternary cover are working. Each employee has his/her focus on various regions and/or geologic/tectonic units. On this account the geological survey has its own team of experts for most regions with sedimentary cover in Austria.
The academic staff of the department is specialized by education and current activities in bio- and lithostratigraphy, as well as sedimentology and structural geology.
Due to the national and international scientific activities of the team the preparation of modern geological maps based on newest methodical and scientific standards is provided.